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Старый 04.03.2009, 19:59   #1
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По умолчанию [avant-garde classical] Kronos Quartet

Kronos Quartet

2002 Nuevo

"To say that the Kronos Quartet’s Nuevo is the ensemble’s most adventurous outing to date is hardly an understatement. This diverse collection of Mexican compositions and traditional tunes brims with an unpredictable energy and a dazzling array of Latin American guest performers, and, yes, Kronos keeps up throughout.

A cocktail pop tune from Esquivel is covered; there’s a chamber arrangement of Revueltas’ sprawling orchestral work Sensemaya, and Nortec Collective member Plankton Man remixes Kronos’s interpretation of "El Sinaloense" into a sizzling dance music track which closes the disc. The playing is spirited, to say the least.
But this is foremost a party record. A bevy of reverb effects and instrumentation ensures that things stay unpredictable.Production work by Rock en Espanol producer Gustavo Santaolalla infuses this disc with an edgy modernism. The bulk of these compositions have been arranged by composer Osvaldo Golijov, who seemingly brings a manic energy and playfulness to everything he touches. Chamber music purists may scoff, but the rest of us will be busy dancing and thrilling to this exciting, genre-blurring Kronos project." -Jason Verlinde

Kronos' Nuevo taps a Mexican cultural wellspring, causing it to gush and sing eloquently and most gloriously.

1. El Sinaloense - Severiano Briseño (arr. O. Golijov)
2. Se Me Hizo Fácil - Agustín Lara (arr. O. Golijov)
3. Mini Skirt - Juan García Esquivel (arr. O. Golijov)
4. El Llorar - Traditional (Son Huasteco) (arr. O. Golijov)
5. Perfidia - Alberto Domínguez (arr. S. Prutsman)
6. Sensemayá - Silvestre Revueltas (arr. S.Prutsman)
7. K'in Sventa Ch'ul Me'tik Kwadulupe - Osvaldo Golijov
8. Tabu - Margarita Lecuona (arr. O. Golijov)
9. Cuatro Milpas - B. García de Jesús & J. Elizondo (arr. S. Prutsman)
10. Chavosuite - Roberto Gómez Bolaños (arr. R. Gallardo)
11. Plasmaht - Ariel Guzik (arr. Kronos Quartet)
12. Nacho Verduzco - Chalino Sánchez (arr. O. Golijov)
13. 12 / 12 - Café Tacuba (arr. O. Golijov)
14. El Sinaloense (Dance Mix) - Plankton Man

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lena_mal (05.03.2009), viko (05.03.2009), VladimirRed (04.03.2009), рыбка (05.03.2009)

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