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Doom Metal Lossless Traditional Doom / Epic / Heavy / Stoner / Death-Doom / Atmospheric / Funeral

Опции темы Опции просмотра
Старый 23.09.2009, 11:32   #1
Огненный Бог Марранов
Аватар для Gentle_Giant
Регистрация: 01.09.2007
Адрес: Пьяный Угол
Пол: M
Сообщений: 508
Поблагодарил: 328
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464 Всего

По умолчанию [Doom/Sludge Metal] Middian

Middian: 2007 - Age Eternal
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
01. Dreamless Eye /9:36/
02. The Blood Of Icons /11:31/
03. Age Eternal /14:04/
04. The Celebrant /6:12/
05. Sink To The Center /15:49/
Формат: FLAC (Image + CUE), Lossless
Продолжительность: 57:11
Middian is a new band formed by former YOB leader Mike Scheidt. YOB were a notable sludge doom band that found an unlikely home on Metal Blade. Like YOB, Middian is a power trio that bashes out sludgy doom in dropped A tuning. The main difference is that Middian tends a little more towards the mid-paced and angry, sometimes even approaching a thrash vibe, while YOB was more stoned and psychedelic.

I never listened to YOB enough to appreciate them, finding what I heard to be too formless and meandering. After giving Middian a fair number of listens, I’ve found it to be much more interesting and effective. The more uptempo moments, like the first half of "Dreamless Eye" and all of "The Celebrant" rock with solid riffs and high energy, while the expected slow sludge succeeds in being menacingly crushing (the second half of "Dreamless Eye") or hypnotically atmospheric ("Age Eternal"). I like the guitar tone, which sounds live and dirty but not so much that it descends into murk. I’m not so sure about the vocals, which are kind of eccentric, either yelled or almost-sung in an odd high voice. The lyrics are the sort of cosmic, third-eye-opening sort of stuff you would expect.
Fans of sludge, especially YOB fans, and probably those of Neurosis, High On Fire, and similar bands will likely dig this.

Reviewed by: Dave Smith

Отчет EAC:
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007

EAC extraction logfile from 11. December 2008, 22:54

Middian / Age Eternal

Used drive  : TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S203N   Adapter: 3  ID: 0

Read mode               : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache      : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction                      : 6
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks   : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling                                : Appended to previous track

Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate                : 128 kBit/s
Quality                         : High
Add ID3 tag                     : No
Command line compressor         : C:\Program Files\FLAC\flac.exe
Additional command line options : -V -8 -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" %s

TOC of the extracted CD

     Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector 
        1  |  0:00.00 |  9:35.56 |         0    |    43180   
        2  |  9:35.56 | 11:30.69 |     43181    |    94999   
        3  | 21:06.50 | 14:04.35 |     95000    |   158334   
        4  | 35:11.10 |  6:11.56 |    158335    |   186215   
        5  | 41:22.66 | 15:48.53 |    186216    |   257368   

Track  1

     Filename Z:\music\metal\middian\age_eternal-2007\FLAC\01 - Dreamless Eye.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.00

     Peak level 99.5 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 23EE43F8
     Copy CRC 23EE43F8
     Accurately ripped (confidence 3)  [422F6840]
     Copy OK

Track  2

     Filename Z:\music\metal\middian\age_eternal-2007\FLAC\02 - The Blood Of Icons.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:01.69

     Peak level 99.5 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 56667A9C
     Copy CRC 56667A9C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 3)  [1FA63104]
     Copy OK

Track  3

     Filename Z:\music\metal\middian\age_eternal-2007\FLAC\03 - Age Eternal.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.76

     Peak level 99.5 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 40FB1E2D
     Copy CRC 40FB1E2D
     Accurately ripped (confidence 2)  [BB371675]
     Copy OK

Track  4

     Filename Z:\music\metal\middian\age_eternal-2007\FLAC\04 - The Celebrant.wav

     Peak level 99.5 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 1D0B4154
     Copy CRC 1D0B4154
     Accurately ripped (confidence 3)  [7A56F2EC]
     Copy OK

Track  5

     Filename Z:\music\metal\middian\age_eternal-2007\FLAC\05 - Sink To The Center.wav

     Pre-gap length  0:00:00.69

     Peak level 99.5 %
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Test CRC 7BF9BF44
     Copy CRC 7BF9BF44
     Accurately ripped (confidence 3)  [B3C69E64]
     Copy OK

All tracks accurately ripped

No errors occurred

End of status report

Отчет CUETools:
[Verification date: 23.09.2009 7:40:33]
[Disc ID: 000b4b05-003519bd-3f0d6705]
Track	[ CRC    ] Status
 01	[422f6840] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 02	[1fa63104] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 03	[bb371675] (00/00) No matches
 04	[7a56f2ec] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 05	[b3c69e64] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1

Track	[ CRC32  ]	[W/O NULL]	[  LOG   ]
 --	[EB6CB734]	[D5C691E4]	
 01	[23EE43F8]	[07F1B01F]	  CRC32   
 02	[56667A9C]	[100CF577]	  CRC32   
 03	[40FB1E2D]	[254A30B1]	  CRC32   
 04	[1D0B4154]	[F0F2DEB1]	  CRC32   
 05	[7BF9BF44]	[BD8CD72F]	  CRC32

Отчет fooCDtect:
fooCDtect - foobar2000 + auCDtect, baralgin.

auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

     mode: 0

    Track: 1 Dreamless Eye

Processing file:	[1 Dreamless Eye.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.036723e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.362288e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.167309e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.269141e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz

Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.705939e-001
First order smothness: 3.577996e-001
Second order smothness: 4.166801e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 99%

    Track: 2 The Blood Of Icons

Processing file:	[2 The Blood Of Icons.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.020929e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.353654e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.178855e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.097214e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.689076e-001
First order smothness: 3.517946e-001
Second order smothness: 5.289689e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 3 Age Eternal

Processing file:	[3 Age Eternal.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.027834e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.371517e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.174496e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.073629e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.906596e-001
First order smothness: 3.429011e-001
Second order smothness: 5.377763e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 4 The Celebrant

Processing file:	[4 The Celebrant.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.015459e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.331548e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.182509e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.179247e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz

Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 3.622020e-001
First order smothness: 3.287534e-001
Second order smothness: 4.469148e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%

    Track: 5 Sink To The Center

Processing file:	[5 Sink To The Center.aucdtect]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.032854e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.329692e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.171679e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.127162e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 3.342905e-001
First order smothness: 3.572198e-001
Second order smothness: 4.974058e-001

This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%


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Любители потрековых lossless релизов — на самом деле латентные lossy-филы.
Gentle_Giant вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Gentle_Giant за это полезное сообщение:
mezzo (24.09.2009)
Хайд открыли:
vovancik (29.07.2010), mezzo (24.09.2009), AlMa (23.09.2009)

Здесь присутствуют: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1)

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