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Старый 12.02.2009, 01:37   #1
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По умолчанию [Ethnic] Yasmin Levy

Yasmin Levy
Как я понимаю, это некое слияние Ближнего Востока и Испании, слегка аранжированные нью-эйджевыми делами.

Yasmin Levy is an Israeli singer of Sephardic music. Her late father, Yitzhak Levy, was a pioneer researcher into the long and rich history of the Ladino music and culture of Spanish Jewry and its diaspora. With her distinctive and emotive style, Yasmin has brought a new interpretation to the medieval Ladino/Judeo-Spanish song by incorporating more "modern" sounds of Spanish Flamenco, as well as traditional instruments like the oud, violin, cello, and piano. Her debut album was Romance & Yasmin in 2000, which earned her a nomination as Best Newcomer for the BBC Radio 3 World Music Awards 2005, followed in 2005 with this, her second album, La Judería.

Yasmin Levy's music is a revelation; her style is richly sensuous and accompanied by some splendid Spanish guitar, the Mediterranean flavor of it all splashes a bit of Mediterranean sun on every listener.

Her theme is often abandonment. Whether the Gypsy with no country or the lover with no choice but to leave because 'quiero olvidar el aroma de tu cuerpo, quiero olvidar el sabor de tus labios', Levy's song is as often as not a lament. The deep sadness that comes through in this genre accounts for its well-echoing beauty. Even to sing of love is to weep over love lost or to cringe in the face of its anticipated departure or to cut off a beautiful thing because one knows it will turn bad.

The flamenco touches are gorgeously done, the genre's staccato clap punctuating a vocal line laid down with superb maturity by the singer. No one will ever say that Yasmin Levy's music lacks feeling. Yet there is so very much more here than just passion.

1. Nací En Álamo (Vengo)
2. Me Voy
3. Inténtalo Encontrar
4. La Alegría
5. La Niña De Las Flores
6. Locura
7. La Serena
8. Gracias A La Vida
9. Keter
10. Noches, Noches
11. Tú y Yo Subimos Al Cielo
12. La Serena (Instrumental)

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