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aldger 29.11.2007 22:41

Daft Punk

Nightmare666999 29.11.2007 22:46

Cannibal Courpse, соседи вешаются:roll1::roll1::roll1::roll1::roll1:

punk1975 29.11.2007 22:51

Ber-linn-2006 - Войналюбовь

Estariol 29.11.2007 22:51

Эпика 2007 - The Divine Conspiracy

Helvetissa 29.11.2007 23:03

Arch Enemy - dead eyes see no future

Tier 29.11.2007 23:19

Nine Inch Nails, Infected Mashroom, Front Line Assembly, Delerium, Vond (перед сном), Septic Flesh:)

Михайлов Иван 30.11.2007 18:52

Danny Elfman
Shiro Sagisu
Hans Zimmer
Charlie Clouser
Jesper Kyd
Amon Tobin

makay 01.12.2007 11:19

Сейчас буду слушать Роби Вильямса

Tresor 01.12.2007 11:28

ONLY TRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

inferno737 01.12.2007 13:46

Mike Polo - Free (Ben Macklin Remix)

x_TLS_x 01.12.2007 13:52

Finntroll - Eliytres :yahoo:

punk1975 02.12.2007 11:30

Satanic Surfers-Taste The Poison(Advance)2005

Andrushkin 02.12.2007 11:31

Paul van Dyk - Vonyc Sessions 64

Sanych-Satanych 02.12.2007 12:07

1. Act Of God - Dirtty Worms (3:35)
2. Act Of God - God Don't Forgive (3:50)
3. Act Of God - They're Beside (3:30)
4. Act Of God - Atheism For Dead (4:14)
5. Act Of God - Act Of God (2:58)
6. Act Of God - The Beast In My Soul (3:36)
7. Act Of God - Centuries To Kill (3:30)
8. Act Of God - Freezing Moon (5:04)
9. Act Of God - In Darkness (4:17)
10. Act Of God - Outro (1:42)
11. Sinful - Intro (1:49)
12. Sinful - Вампир (4:59)
13. Sinful - Холод манящей могилы (3:45)
14. Sinful - Outro (2:04)
15. Sinful - Полночная смерть (6:46)
16. Sinful - Омут (8:48)
17. Sinful - Свет бездны (5:26)
18. Sinful - Волчья пасть (4:21)
19. Arcane Grail - Foreword (0:48)
20. Arcane Grail - Cemetery Of The Lost Souls (3:48)
21. Arcane Grail - Bewitched Wolves (6:07)
22. Arcane Grail - Ghostly Retinue (3:36)
23. Arcane Grail - Tragic Love (9:21)
24. Arcane Grail - Frightful Night Of Revenge (9:09)
25. Arcane Grail - Lapped In Moonless Centuries (6:49)
26. Arcane Grail - Anachoret’s Orisons (7:58)
27. Arcane Grail - Summon The Fiend (Russian Version) (4:36)
28. Arcane Grail - Summon The Fiend (4:36)

Готовлюсь к сегодняшнему концерту ;)

I'm the witch...
Rape me, burn me, slay... :yahoo:
/Arcane Grail - Tragic Love/

Tresor 02.12.2007 19:42

Above & Beyond, Tri-State album.

makay 02.12.2007 19:44

04 Bongo Bong - Je Ne T Aime Plus в исполнение Роби Вильямса...вставляет

Crantisz 02.12.2007 20:03

/me Now Playing: [2005. Rossz Csillag Allat Szuletett #10] Venetian Snares - Ketsarku Mozgalom [0:01/8:50]

upoke3 02.12.2007 20:52

Queen - 2007 - Say It's Not True

Crantisz 02.12.2007 21:00

/me Now Playing: [2006. Cavalcade Of Glee And Dadaist Happy Hardcore #10] Venetian Snares - Cancel [3:42/6:57]

Kernel Panic 02.12.2007 21:39

01 Alaska & Seba - Perpetual
02 Alaska & Seba - Back from Eternity
01 Seba And Paradox - You Didnt See It Did You
02 Alaska And Paradox - Drum Sessions (Seba Rmx)
04 Seba - Electro Squad
0A Seba - Breaks Selection
01 Seba - Cruising In Time
02 Seba & Chris J - Secrets
01 Seba - Dont Wanna Lose You
02 Seba - Morning Glory
01 seba - guidelines
02 seba - private sunset
03 seba - mmmm
04 seba - mother nature
05 seba - nightwalker
01 Seba Feat. Robert Manos - Make Peace
02 Seba Feat. Robert Manos - Gold & Diamonds
01 Seba - Predator
02 Seba - The Lost Key
01 Seba - Camouflage
02 Seba - Sonic Winds (feat. Lotek)
03 Seba - Planetary Funk Alert
04 Seba - Universal Music (feat. Lotek)
05 Seba - Predator
06 Seba - Remedy
07 Seba - Soul 2000
08 Seba - So Long (feat. Lotek)
01 Seba - Steel
02 Seba - Piemo For B
01 Seba - Unrevealed Stories (Blame Rmx)
02 Seba - Vector:_Reload
03 Seba - Sneakin'
04 Seba - Unrevealed Stories
01 Seba & Lenk - Pieces
02 Seba & Lenk - Banett
01 Seba and Lenk - Captain Freak
02 Seba and Lenk - Mandelkubb
01 Seba & LoTek - Sonic Winds
02 Seba & LoTek - So Long
01 Paradox - Futures Extinction
02 Seba & Paradox - Stone Cold
03 Seba - Shapeshifter
04 Seba - External Reality
05 Seba & Paradox - It's All Love
06 Seba & Paradox - Last Goodbye
07 Seba & Paradox - Remembrance
08 Seba & Paradox - Can't Let Go
09 Seba & Paradox - No Words Can Describe It
10 Seba & Paradox - Wake Up Call
11 Seba & Paradox - You Didn't See It Did You?
12 Seba & Paradox - It's Not A Dream
01 Seba and Paradox - Frost
02 Seba and Paradox - Sound On Sound
02 Seba & Paradox - Last Goodbye
01 Seba & Paradox - Stone Cold
01 Seba & Paradox - Move On
02 Seba & Paradox - Move On (Dub)
01 Seba & Paradox - Red Tears
02 Seba & Paradox - Fire Like this
01 Seba and Paradox - Rememberance
02 Seba and Paradox - The Dribbler
01 Seba and Paradox feat Robert M - Wakeup Call
02 Seba and Paradox - No Words Can Describe It
01 Seba & Robert Manos - Exodus
02 Seba & Robert Manos - Power of Love

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