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punk1975 23.11.2007 10:48

Какую музыку вы сейчас слушаете
Той темы уже нет, но хочется узнать....

The Locos - Resistire

Andrushkin 23.11.2007 10:56


Chandler 23.11.2007 11:05

Noize MC:yahoo:

баламут 23.11.2007 11:05

Мёртвые дельфины- Мёртвый город:(

Kernel Panic 23.11.2007 15:05

мля! убейте тему!

Andrushkin 23.11.2007 15:12

Ibiza_trance_club\106-dj_tatana-silence.mp3 приелся мне это трек!!!!

Kernel Panic 23.11.2007 15:13

вот что щас слушаю мля

Black Sun Empire - 1800 Contact
Black Sun Empire - Arrakis
Black Sun Empire - Asphyxiation
Black Sun Empire - Bitemark
Black Sun Empire - B'Negative (SKC & Chris SU Rem
Black Sun Empire - Bombrun
Black Sun Empire - Dark Girl (XEN Remix)
Black Sun Empire - Dont You (State Of Mind Remix)
Black Sun Empire - Don't You
Black Sun Empire - Driving Insane
Black Sun Empire - Fearless
Black Sun Empire - Future_Frame
Black Sun Empire - Geiger
Black Sun Empire - Potemkin
Black Sun Empire - Smoke
Black Sun Empire - Stasis
Black Sun Empire - The Silent
Black Sun Empire - The_Cooler
Black Sun Empire Feat. Stu (C4 - Swipe
D. Kay - Platinum (Ill.Skillz Remix)
D.Kay & Epsilon - Platinum
dumonde - human (ill skillz mix)
Adam F - Circles
Adam F & TKO - Circles VIP 2000
Adam F & TKO - Therapy
Adam F and Fresh - When The Sun Goes Down (Origin
Bungle - Human Poison
Bungle - Too Late
Bungle & Index - Memories From Mars
Cyantific - Flashback (feat. Logistics)
DJ Fresh feat. Adam F - When The Sun Goes Down (Andy C & Ant Miles Origin Unknown remix)
Duo Infernale - Feeling Blue
Nero - Autopsy
Syncopix - 8-Bit Blues
syncopix - general hospital
Syncopix - Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy
Unknown Artist - Feel Good Inc (Dnb Remix)
Atom + Cell - Pressure (Noisia Remix)
Audio - Missing
Axiom - Air Raid
Axiom - From Another World
Axiom - Last Singapore Sling
Axiom - Sanctuary
Axiom - Vendetta
Calyx - Are You Ready (Hive and Gridlok Remix)
Calyx - Tearing Us Apart
Calyx feat. Teebee - Cyclone
Catacomb - Buried Alive (Misanthrop Remix)
Catacomb - Deadlights
Catacomb - The Zodiac
Catacomb - Trashmouth
Chris SU - Solaris Theme (VIP Mix)
Chris Su & Optiv & Axiom - Soulcube
Mayhem & Noisia - Shellshock
Noisia - Silicon
Noisia - Tomahawk (Feat. Mayhem)
Noisia - Unveil (feat. Phace)
Noisia And Teebee - Time Stops
noisia vs. mayhem - lockjaw
Phace - Crevice
Phace - Crocker
Phace - Fingerfood
Phace - Open Your Eyes
Phace - Tranquilizer
Concord Dawn & Ill Skillz - Watch Me Now
Corrupt Souls & Hyx - Brood X
Drifter - Close To Me (Matrix Remix)
Drifter - Come True
Drifter - Leola
Drifter - She Gives Me Forever
Noisia & Shanodin - Afternoon Delight
Noisia & Shanodin - Angel Eyes
Unknown Error - Midnight Special
Unknown Error - The Yearning
Echo - Out Of Time (Calyx rmx)
Ed Rush & Optical (feat. Matrix) - Perfect Drug
Evol Intent - Glock Party
Evol Intent - The Blood
Ewun - Black Nines
Ewun - Hate machine (Spor Remix)
Ewun - Interstellar
Ewun - Screw Up
Freestylers ft Pendulum - Painkiller (Noisia Mix)
Future Prophecies - Dreadlock
Future Prophecies - Insomniac
Future Prophecies - Magnetic
Future Prophecies - Miniamba (featuring Mari Boine)
Future Prophecies - Thunder & lightning
Future Prophecies - Underdog
Future Prophecies - Warlords rising
Hive - Neo (Dom & Roland remix)
Hive, Keaton, Gridlok & Echo - Violent Sound
Jade - Acid Flood
Jade - Bitch
Jade - The Lost Boys feat. Dementia
Konflict - Messiah (Noisia Remix)
Kryptic Minds & Leon Switch - More Like You (Unknown Error Remix)
Misanthrop - Bullhead
Misanthrop - Defection
Misanthrop - Strange Planet (Catacomb Remix)
Noisia & Teebee - Moon Palace
Noisia & Teebee - Shower For An Hour
Noisia - Bad Dreams
Noisia - Believe
Noisia - Blackout
Noisia - Block Control
Noisia - Brainstitch (Break Remix)
Noisia - Concussion
Noisia - Conscience
Noisia - End Game
Noisia - Exorcism
Noisia - Facade
Noisia - Monster
Noisia - Omissions
Noisia - Sandworm
Noisia - Subdue
Noisia - The Distance
Noisia & Black Sun Empire - Winter War
Noisia & Maldini & Vegas - Meditation
Noisia & Phace - home world
Noisia & Phace - Thrillseekers
Noisia + Mayhem + Verse - Choke
noisia and mayhem feat krs one - exodus (instrumental mix)
noisia and mayhem feat krs one - exodus
Noisia and Mayhem - Moonway Renegade
Pyro - Out Of Bounds
Pyro & Prode - The Rush
Rawtekk - Open Borders
Rusher - The Suffering
SKC And Matt U - Prime Evil
SKC And Matt U - Strayshot
Skynet - Carbon Shock (Noisia remix)
Skynet - Night Raiders
Spor - 1 Up
Spor - 103 Degrees
Spor - Dreadnought
Spor - Judderman
Spor - Knock You Down
Spor - Lose It
Spor - Molehill
Spor - Outbroken (That Track)
Spor - Powder Monkey
Spor - Supernova
Spor - The Eyes Have It
Spor - The Resistance
Spor - The Whisper
Spor - To The Death
State Of Mind - Afterlife
State of Mind - Back to the Jungle
State of Mind - Belarus
State Of Mind - Devil Eyes
State Of Mind - Dread Rock
State Of Mind - Dune
State of Mind - Human Torch
State Of Mind - Paint the walls black
State Of Mind - Quantum Leap
State Of Mind - Real McCoy
State of Mind - Sun King
State of Mind - Surreality (Feat Chris SU)
State of Mind - Veil
State Of Mind & Chris SU - Deeper
Sunchase - Impulse
Tactile - Super System
Teebee & Noisia - Whisperbox
Unknown Error - Easy Rider
Unknown Error - Flip Funk
Unknown Error - Future Punishment
Unknown Error - Shadows (Unicorn Remix)
Unknown Error - Struggle
Unknown Error - Sucker Punch
Audio - Destroyed
Audio - Warehouse
Bes + Cobalt - Human(Sevent Remix)
Capone - Welcome To The Bassline
Code Blue & Panacea - Graveyard Twist
Code Blue & Panacea - Headstone Shuffle
Counterstrike - Draco
Counterstrike - Killing Machine (Jezuz Road) ft SPL and Limewax
Counterstrike - Killswitch
Counterstrike - Maniac
Counterstrike - Motherfucking Skulls (feat. Eye-D)
Counterstrike - V
Counterstrike & Eye D - The Grind
Dieselboy & Kaos (feat. Messinian) - Barrier Break (Infiltrata & Hochi Dub Mix)
DJ G-I-S - Mad as Hell
DJ G-I-S - Murder
DJ G-I-S - Zuruck Zu De Schatten (the Panacea remix)
Dom vs Calyx - Pneumatix (Sledgehammer)
Dylan & Raiden - Future's Futile
Dylan & Raiden - Preacherman
Hemoglobin - Leukemia
Hemoglobin - Terminator
KC - Extreme Steel (Counterstrike Arena Remix)
Kryptic Minds & Leon Switch - More Like You
Limewax - 666untitled
Limewax - Changing Crisis
Limewax - Everything
Limewax - Eyes Of Evil
Limewax - Face It Alone
Limewax - Scream War
Limewax - The Attack
Limewax - The Lawra
Midiman & Sparkz - The Key
The Panacea - Total Destruction 2004
The Panacea - When Panacea Strikes
The Panacea - Word Of Thoth
Propaganda - The Real
Raiden & The Panacea - Connect The Dots
Resonant Evil - Troubleshoot
SPL - Fade
Technical Itch - Hellness
Technical Itch - Theorem
The Panacea - Calcifer
The Panacea - Carborundum
The Panacea - Cryptonomicon
The Panacea - Motion Sickness (SPL Remix)
The Panacea & DJ G-I-S - The Nazarene
The Panacea & Dose D - Schwarze Puppen
The Sect - Kill All Humans
The Sect & Raiden - Caesium 137
Vortex Involute - A Nation
Vortex Involute - The Pain
Yana Kay - Run Away (Vortex Involute Remi
DJ Hype, J Majik & Wickaman - Dubplate Killa
Ill Skillz - The Beat
Paul B - Euphoria VIP
Pendulum - Another Planet
Pendulum - Blood Sugar
Pendulum - Masochist
Pendulum - Slam
Purple Unit - Aircicus
Purple Unit - Bisexual
Purple Unit - Knights Who Say NI!
Sub Focus - Acid Test
Sub Focus - Druggy
Sub Focus - Flamenco
Sub Focus - Scarecrow
Sub Focus - Special Place
Sub Focus - X-Ray
Sub Focus & Brookes Brothers - Verano
TC - Jump

Andrushkin 23.11.2007 15:17

Deaf_Dumb_Blind, ты флудишь !!! тоже мне модератор!!!Совсем распоясались! Псих!!!

Кот 23.11.2007 15:19

Deaf_Dumb_Blind, [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

Kernel Panic 23.11.2007 15:27


Сообщение от Andrushkin (Сообщение 311463)
Deaf_Dumb_Blind, ты флудишь !!! тоже мне модератор!!!Совсем распоясались! Псих!!!

да здесь щас все флудят! ВСЯ ЭТА ТЕМА - ОДИН СПЛОШНОЙ ФЛУД!

Andrushkin 23.11.2007 15:31


Сообщение от Deaf_Dumb_Blind (Сообщение 311478)
да здесь щас все флудят! ВСЯ ЭТА ТЕМА - ОДИН СПЛОШНОЙ ФЛУД!

LF это уж точно!!!
по теме!!!

Dr. Drugs 23.11.2007 15:45

А я слушаю шум кандера, серверов и АТС-ки неплохой нойззз !!! :)
Deaf_Dumb_Blind, дауж.... отжог!!!

Mehanik 23.11.2007 18:13

Draconian.Where Lovers Mourn [2003]
Классная death-doom gotika
Кстати скачивал с фредндзов....

Maniac 24.11.2007 02:10


LINK 24.11.2007 13:33

ну зачем тему надо было писать по одной песни каждому? лучше бы кинули ссылки с ласт фм! так же проще!:wallbash:

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