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Старый 10.11.2007, 07:59   #1
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По умолчанию FastStone Image Viewer

FastStone Image Viewer 3.4
Релиз от: 07.11.2007

Графический браузер, вьюер, конвертор и редактор с простым интерфейсом и отличным набором функций: изменение размера, резка, переименовывание, цветокоррекция, водяные знаки и много чего еще. Также включает в себя интуитивно понятный режим полного экрана, дающий доступ к EXIF-информации и режиму эскизов. Из других особенностей - высококачественная лупа и встроенное слайд-шоу с более чем 150 переходными эффектами, такими как lossless JPEG transitions, удаление эффекта теней, рамки изображения, также поддержка сканнера, построение гистограм и многое другое. Поддержка всех основных графических форматов включая BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO и TGA.

Краткая история (англ.):

Version 3.4 (November 07, 2007)

* Added RGB adjustment to "Enhance Colors"
* Added option "Batch-convert RAW files in" to RAW tab of the Settings
* Added "Wallpaper Builder" to "Create" menu
* Enhanced menu fonts
* Enhanced built-in batch convert tool
* Added a skin with Vista look and feel
* Fixed some bugs

Version 3.3 (October 23, 2007)

* Added "Enhance Colors" (press Ctrl+E), which makes it easy to adjust brightness, gamma, contrast and saturation of the image
* Enhanced "Sharpen/Blur"
* Added "Obscure (Blur)" under "Edit" menu, which can be used to obscure sensitive information in the image
* Added new option "Remind me to save changes" to the Settings. Uncheck this option if you do not want the popup message "Do you want to save the changes you have made to this image?"
* Allowed image tagging in slide show
* Added "Slide Show Builder" (under "Create" menu), which allows you to save a slide show, including image and music files, into a single exe file that can be played in other computers without FastStone Image Viewer
* Enhanced the "Download Photos" tool. Now it is possible to get photos from both cameras and card readers via USB
* Enhanced the "Change Timestamp" under Tools menu. Now it allows you to change/adjust the date time when photos were taken
* Added "Remove JPEG Metadata" to Tools menu. It allows you to remove metadata such as EXIF, IPTC, embedded thumbnails etc from jpeg files
* Added Show Histogram option to the image comparison tool
* Enhanced the RAW library. Now it is recommended to view RAW files using the embedded preview image for faster performance (see RAW tab in the Settings)
* In the image comparison tool, now it is possible to pan around with arrow keys
* Other small improvements in the user interface
* Fixed some bugs

Version 3.2 (April 23, 2007)

* Added option Print current page only in Print dialog
* Improved Rotate by any Degree
* Fixed some bugs

Version 3.1 (April 16, 2007)

* Created a multi-language version
* Improved the Raw library
* Improved navigation (page up/down) of multi-tiff files
* Fixed some bugs

Version 3.0 (February 16, 2007)

* Compatible with Windows Vista
* Added new slideshow option Auto-Play Folders which allows you to play slideshow across multi-folders
* Added Multi-Page File Builder which can combine multiple images into a single file (PDF or TIFF format)
* Improved Multi-Page TIFF support (viewing, printing, saving)
* Support PDF format in Save As dialog
* Support cropping images in a batch (in the built-in Batch Converter)
* Use EXIF date/time (if available) in batch rename
* Fixed some bugs

Version 2.9 (January 18, 2007)

* Enhanced Draw Board (previously called Text Board)
* Added Download from Memory Card. Now it is possible to use FastStone Image Viewer to transfer images from your digital camera's memory card to your computer
* Added new frame masks in Wallpaper Anywhere - Thanks to Albert Hansen and Lu Wei
* Fixed some bugs

Version 2.8 (October 25, 2006)

* Completely new icon design
* Enhanced usability
* Fixed some bugs

Version 2.7 (October 18, 2006)

* Enhanced the magnifier in full screen
* Built-in Screen Capture tools are back (they were removed in previous versions)
* Added Contact Sheet Builder (under Tools menu) - put/print multiple photos on one page. Fully configurable!
* Added Custom Sort - drag & drop to arrange thumbnail orders (For better performance, turn off the Preview panel)
* Now it is possible to drag & drop thumbnails into sub-folders within the thumbnail browser
* Fixed some bugs

Version 2.6 (July 19, 2006)

* Add Wallpaper Anywhere (under Tools menu) that allows you to put photos anywhere on your windows Desktop
* Can open all selected files in external program at a time (Press E key)
* Dual Monitor support (See "Dual Monitor" in the Settings)
Now it is possible to:
o Drag & Drop the main window to any of the monitors
o Display thumbnail browser and Full Screen preview across two monitors simultaneously
o Display slideshow in the secondary monitor

Version 2.5 (Apr 21, 2006)

* Add "Overlay (Right on Left)" button in "Compare Images" window, which helps to identify any slight difference between two images
* Add "Compare in Full Screen" button in "Compare Images" window
* Improve Scanner Support in "Scan Board" (press Alt+S). Now you can specify the DPI value of the scanner before scanning
* Filename sorting now uses "Natural Sort". For example, the order of filenames in:
This version:
File1.jpg, File2.jpg, ... File10.jpg, File11.jpg
Previous version:
File1.jpg, File10.jpg, File11.jpg, ... File2.jpg
* Thumbnail Order is remembered when switching folders;
* Add option to turn on / off the Preview window in Browser View
* Support Image Tagging (in the "Tag" menu)
o Now it is possible to tag through a large number of photos in full screen by pressing "\" key
o You can filter out the untagged files and focus on (copy/move/edit/slideshow etc) the tagged ones only
o Options of Image Tagging can be found in "Thumbnail" tab of the Settings (press F12). It can be disabled when option "Allow Image Tagging" is unchecked
o Tag images in "Compare Images" window (press P key)
* Fix minor bugs

Version 2.4 (Mar 15, 2006)

* Now the built-in screen capture supports multi-monitor system
* Video files ( AVI, MPG, MPEG, WMV, MOV) can be displayed as thumbnails in the browser. Double clicking on a video file will open it in the default media player
* Add "Text Board" (press T key) that allows users to draw the following objects on images:
o Text
o Freehand line
o arrowed line
o Rectangle
o Ellipse
o Watermark
* Add option to display "Rule of Thirds" in "Crop Board" (press X key)
* Other minor improvements

Version 2.30 (Feb 10, 2006)

* Add SRF (Sony Raw Format) support
* Improve Raw Image rendering and add more compatibilities with new digital cameras
* Add "Fit to Window Width" and "Fit to Window Height" to option "Auto image size" in the Settings (Press F12)
* Add "Mouse Wheel" option in the Settings (Press F12), now it is possible to use the mouse wheel to scroll up and down long graphic files
* Add "Single file deleted to" option in the Settings (Press F12), which has 4 options when deleting a file:
o Recycle-Bin, Confirmation
o Recycle-Bin, No Confirmation
o No Recycle-Bin, Confirmation
o No Recycle-Bin, No Confirmation
* Add option "Reset image position to (0,0) when loading images" in the Settings (Press F12)
* Add two rotation buttons (rotate and save) above the Full Screen thumbnail list (appears when moving the mouse cursor to the top screen border)
* Enhance the "Copy/Move to Folder" window, now it is possible to press C key twice to copy a file, press M key twice to move a file to another folder, i.e. press C to pop up "Copy to Folder" window, press C again to copy the file to the selected folder
* Other minor improvements

Version 2.29 (Nov 25, 2005)

* Add "Settings" icon on the toolbar
* Fix some bugs that cause stability problems

Version 2.28 (Nov 14, 2005)

* Add "Back to/Forward to" buttons on the toolbar above the thumbnail browser
* Improve folder navigation
* Add "JPEG Lossless Rotate Selected Images" to Tools menu
* Enhance JPEG Lossless Rotation - images are optimized for smaller file size
* Add Change Timestamp to Tools menu, now it is possible to set file timestamp as the date/time photo taken (JPEG format only)
* Other minor improvements

Version 2.27 (Nov 02, 2005)

* Enhance digital camera RAW support
* Add 5 RAW format support:
- DNG (Adobe Digital Negative)
- ORF (Olympus)
- RAF (Fuji)
- MRW (Minolta)
- PEF (Pentax)
* Add an option to "Copy to/Move to" window so that the destination folder can be created if it does not exist
* Enhance EXIF table in Full Screen
* Add an option in the Settings (Press F12) to show Hidden files and folders
* Add an option in the Email-Images window that allows images to be sent as a self-extracting EXE file (another option is ZIP file)
* Parameters in color adjustment window (brightness, contrast etc. ) are remembered/saved for next use
* Add hotkeys Alt+2, Alt+3 ... for the second, third ... external program
* Now it is possible to use PgUp/PgDn/Space key to switch images in the magnifier
* Now it is possible to install the program for all users in the same computer
* Fix thumbnail orientation bug in CR2 and NEF formats
* Add Color Management (embeded ICC) support. To enable it, go to "CMS" tab in the "Settings"
* Add Scroll Navigator in Full Screen (Move the mouse to the bottom edge in Full screen)
* Enhance Crop Board (Press X key) to make it possible to crop multiple images ("Crop to File") using the new "Previous" and "Next" buttons
* Add "Create Portable Application" button to the Settings (Press F12). A portable version of this program can run independently from any folder you dump it in
* Improve performance of "Lossless Crop to File" in Crop Board
* Add "Outer Darkness" control in Crop Board
* Enhance Scroll Navigator (Move the mouse to the bottom edge in Full screen)
* Fix some bugs and make minor enhancements

Version 2.22 (Aug 25, 2005)

* Optimize the code
* Add an option in the Settings (Thumbnail tab) to turn off Thumbnail Database
* Add option in the Settings (Associations tab) to show "Browse with FastStone" folder context menu in Windows Explorer
* When the displayed image is larger than the current available window or screen area, press Arrow (Up, Down, Left, Right) keys to pan/scroll the image within the current window or screen area
* Add option "Compress images into one single file" (zip format) in the email image feature
* Fix a bug in animated GIF rendering
* Display EXIF information in Image Comparison window
* Enhance Red Eye Removal under the Edit menu
* Fix other minor bugs

Version 2.20 (Aug 10, 2005)

* Add option "Auto-Hide mouse cursor in Full Screen"
* Add sepia effect
* Retain last path used in Copy to/Move to
* Add "Copy to Folder", "Move to Folder" and "Delete" buttons to toolbar
* Add option "Database Location" (See "Thumbnail" tab in the Settings)
* Fix a bug in animated GIF rendering
* Improve the built-in Screen Capture
* Improve the Advanced Option in "Save As" dialog, now it is easy to preview image quality degradation the parameters might introduce in the saving process
* Add options in the Settings (Thumbnail tab) to customize the browser colors
* Add option to assign parameters to "Edit with External Program" (See "External Programs" tab in the Settings)
* Optimize the code to handle large thumbnail database file more efficiently
* Enhance Crop Board with mouse wheel support (Zoom in/out)
* Add Folder Tree access in Full Screen mode (under the thumbnail strip in Full Screen), now it is possible to switch folder to folder in Full Screen using a folder tree
* Add option "Use JPEG quality from the original file if possible" (see "JPEG" tab in the Settings)
* Create different icons for different associated file formats;
* Some other bugs fixed

Version 2.15 (July 08, 2005)

* Support Canon CR2 Preview
* Add option "Default Unit" in Settings
* Update skins
* Add option "Show Extension" in Renaming(F2) window
* Fix bugs

Version 2.12 (Jun 10, 2005)

* Wrap scrolls in thumbnail browser using left/right arrow keys
* Optimize the code
* Add MacX Skin
* Fix bugs

Version 2.1 (May 30, 2005)

* Auto-complete address bar
* User can select Browser mode/Full screen mode/Windowed mode when double-clicking an image from windows explorer, see Settings for detail
* Enhance EXIF handling in "Save As" menu/button
* Add Favorites menu
* Enhance Copy to Folder/Move to Folder
* Support Auto-Rotate jpeg images based on EXIF orientation tag
* Enhance JPEG comment editing (hotkey: D)
* Fix bugs

Version 2.0.5 (Apr 22, 2005)

* Paper ratio crop added to Crop board (hotkey changed to X)
* Side by side image comparison added
* Slideshow with 150+ transitional effects enhanced
* JPEG rotation (lossless) improved
* Quick Resize added on left side panel of full screen
* Animated GIF can be viewer in full screen mode
* "Set Root Here" menu is added to folder tree's context menu
* Fix bugs

Version 1.9 (Mar 18, 2005)

* Support slideshow background music, transitional effects selection
* Support batch image printing
* Add an option called "Folders in Browser" in the settings to hide folders in thumbnail browser
* Update the Setting of Wallpapers
* Fix bugs

Version 1.8 (Mar 02, 2005)

* Support Digital Camera Raw File, Currently *.CRW and *.NEF
* Support emailing images within the viewer
* Add Fade In/Out to Slideshows
* Fix bugs

Version 1.7 (Jan 03, 2005)

* Support PSD (Photoshop format) images
* Add hotkey D to edit image Description/Comment
* Add hotkey E to open with the first external program
* Add "Terminate Application" button in full screen mode
* Show the number of selected files in status bar
* Add 600x600 and 650x650 Magnifier sizes
* Add more options in Settings (e.g. Always show taskbar in full screen mode)
* Fix bugs

Version 1.6 (Dec 21, 2004)

* Support Multi-Page GIF/TIFF, Press Ctrl+PgUp/Ctrl+PgDn for previous/next frame
* Support different thumbnail sizes
* Support image info-popup when mouse moves over the thumbnail
* Press middle mouse button to switch between browser and full screen
* Option (in the settings) to use Left/Right mouse-click to navigate
* Press "L"/"R" to for quick image rotation (loss-less for JPEG images)
* Support Loss-less crop in "Crop Board"
* Press "W" to open Windows Explorer in the current folder

Version 1.5 (Dec 03, 2004)

* Smooth algorithm enhanced without sacrificing loading time any more
* "Open in Windows Explorer" is added to right click menu on thumbnails
* "Copy/Move to folder" is added to full screen
* "Repeat" option is added to Options
* "Display Filename in Full Screen Image" option is added to Options
* The size of current folder is displayed in the status bar
* Code is optimized to for performance improvement

Version 1.4 (Nov 25, 2004)

* Old Pictures Effect is updated
* Right-click menu on thumbnails is enhanced
* Copy/Move to folder is possible
* Open With external (other) programs is possible and configurable
* Images selected in thumbnail browser can be flipped, rotated, batch converted/renamed in the right-click menu
* Delete the image file in full screen by simply pressing Del key
* No windows registry used, store settings in application folder
* TIFF output format support for batch converter
* Print dialog retains user settings
* Performance improved
* Minor bugs fixed

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Тип файла: jpg fsviewer_thm.jpg (41.7 Кб, 7 просмотров)
Чтобы стоять - нужно бежать. Чтобы идти - нужно бежать очень быстро. (с) почти по Льюису Кэрролу

Последний раз редактировалось ReDmit; 10.11.2007 в 08:18.
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Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо ReDmit за это полезное сообщение:
GrinGo (13.11.2007), Soцiopat (13.11.2007), Virusmater (17.11.2007)
Старый 13.11.2007, 22:06   #2
Я тут новенький
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Старый 13.11.2007, 23:13   #3
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чем отличается от асидиси?
CMYK хавает?
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Старый 16.03.2008, 19:52   #4
Аватар для indeec
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По умолчанию FastStone Image Viewer

FastStone Image Viewer v.3.5
финальная версия

Отличная замена, черезмерно перегруженному функциями, ACDSee.
Программа имеет большое количество полезных возможностей, таких как изменение размеров, переименование, удаление ненужных фрагментов, подгонка и изменение цветов, установка водяных знаков, супер-мега линзу для увеличения отдельных частей изображения и т.д. Кроме того, имеется возможность создавать слайдшоу с более чем 150 переходными эффектами, присутствует реконструкция JPEG без потери качества, различные графические эффекты, поддержка работы со сканером и т.д. Поддерживаются все основные форматы графических файлов (BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO, TGA и другие).

что нового:
В версии 3.5 добавлены новые и улучшены уже существующие опции, исправлены ошибки, доработан интерфейс, оптимизирована работа.

Version 3.5 (January 15, 2008)
Added "Side by Side" comparison in "Enhance Colors"
Added "Line Highlighter" in "Draw Board"
Enhanced "Text" tool in "Draw Board". Now shadowed text is possible
Added "Border" effects in "Batch Convert"
Optimized algorithm for "Text" and "Watermark" in "Batch Convert"
Updated the RAW format library
Restored a skin called "Steel" which was dropped in a previous version
Some UI improvements and bug fixes
Version 3.4 (November 07, 2007)
Added RGB adjustment to "Enhance Colors"
Added option "Batch-convert RAW files in" to RAW tab of the Settings
Added "Wallpaper Builder" to "Create" menu
Enhanced menu fonts
Enhanced built-in batch convert tool
Added a skin with Vista look and feel
Fixed some bugs
Version 3.3 (October 23, 2007)
Added "Enhance Colors" (press Ctrl+E), which makes it easy to adjust brightness, gamma, contrast and saturation of the image
Enhanced "Sharpen/Blur"
Added "Obscure (Blur)" under "Edit" menu, which can be used to obscure sensitive information in the image
Added new option "Remind me to save changes" to the Settings. Uncheck this option if you do not want the popup message "Do you want to save the changes you have made to this image?"
Allowed image tagging in slide show
Added "Slide Show Builder" (under "Create" menu), which allows you to save a slide show, including image and music files, into a single exe file that can be played in other computers without FastStone Image Viewer
Enhanced the "Download Photos" tool. Now it is possible to get photos from both cameras and card readers via USB
Enhanced the "Change Timestamp" under Tools menu. Now it allows you to change/adjust the date time when photos were taken
Added "Remove JPEG Metadata" to Tools menu. It allows you to remove metadata such as EXIF, IPTC, embedded thumbnails etc from jpeg files
Added Show Histogram option to the image comparison tool
Enhanced the RAW library. Now it is recommended to view RAW files using the embedded preview image for faster performance (see RAW tab in the Settings)
In the image comparison tool, now it is possible to pan around with arrow keys
Other small improvements in the user interface
Fixed some bugs
Version 3.2 (April 23, 2007)
Added option Print current page only in Print dialog
Improved Rotate by any Degree
Fixed some bugs
Version 3.1 (April 16, 2007)
Created a multi-language version
Improved the Raw library
Improved navigation (page up/down) of multi-tiff files
Fixed some bugs
Version 3.0 (February 16, 2007)
Compatible with Windows Vista
Added new slideshow option Auto-Play Folders which allows you to play slideshow across multi-folders
Added Multi-Page File Builder which can combine multiple images into a single file (PDF or TIFF format)
Improved Multi-Page TIFF support (viewing, printing, saving)
Support PDF format in Save As dialog
Support cropping images in a batch (in the built-in Batch Converter)
Use EXIF date/time (if available) in batch rename
Fixed some bugs


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Последний раз редактировалось indeec; 16.03.2008 в 19:55.
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Старый 09.06.2008, 13:46   #5
Друг всей жизни
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FastStone Image Viewer v.3.5
финальная версия

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
Размер файла: 4.1 Mb
Дата загрузки: 2008-06-09

Русификатор (Алексея Агафонова aka alexagf) для 3.5
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
Размер файла: 311.9 Kb
Дата загрузки: 2008-06-09

Начало темы:
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Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 09.06.2008 в 13:56.
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Старый 28.08.2008, 20:04   #6
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[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
nn.ru, "пользовательская галерея".
Размер файла: 4.1 Mb
Дата загрузки: 2008-06-09.
Срок хранения: неопределенно долго (пока не удалю сам, либо пока не удалит администрация nn.ru).

зы залил туда, т.к. на share.nnov.ru не имею доступа (ВТ'шник).
batyrmastyr вне форума  
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Старый 16.09.2008, 15:22   #7
Аватар для buba technic
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По умолчанию

FastStone Image Viewer v.3.6
Графический браузер, вьюер, конвертор и редактор с простым интерфейсом и отличным набором функций: изменение размера, резка, переименовывание, цветокоррекция, водяные знаки и много чего еще. Также включает в себя интуитивно понятный режим полного экрана, дающий доступ к EXIF-информации и режиму эскизов. Из других особенностей - высококачественная лупа и встроенное слайд-шоу с более чем 150 переходными эффектами, такими как lossless JPEG transitions, удаление эффекта теней, рамки изображения, также поддержка сканнера, построение гистограм и многое другое. Поддержка всех основных графических форматов включая BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO и TGA.
Размер - 4 мб

Сайт программы [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

Лицензия - Freeware

Русский язык - русификатор

Ссылка для скачивания (IX-NN): [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

Последний раз редактировалось buba technic; 16.09.2008 в 22:38.
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Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо buba technic за это полезное сообщение:
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Старый 21.01.2009, 19:21   #8
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По умолчанию FastStone Image Viewer v.3.7

FastStone Image Viewer v.3.7
Графический браузер, вьюер, конвертор и редактор с простым интерфейсом и отличным набором функций: изменение размера, резка, переименовывание, цветокоррекция, водяные знаки и много чего еще. Также включает в себя интуитивно понятный режим полного экрана, дающий доступ к EXIF-информации и режиму эскизов. Из других особенностей - высококачественная лупа и встроенное слайд-шоу с более чем 150 переходными эффектами, такими как lossless JPEG transitions, удаление эффекта теней, рамки изображения, также поддержка сканнера, построение гистограм и многое другое. Поддержка всех основных графических форматов включая BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO и TGA.
Размер - 4 мб

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Лицензия - Freeware

Русский язык - русификатор

FastStone Image Viewer v.3.7+русификатор:
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Последний раз редактировалось buba technic; 21.01.2009 в 19:25.
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Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо buba technic за это полезное сообщение:
Dentexnik (23.01.2009), powernick (21.01.2009), wasay (21.01.2009)
Старый 23.03.2009, 07:27   #9
Аватар для NerV
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По умолчанию

FastStone Image Viewer 3.8 Beta

share.nnov.ru < 5mb

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
уже не тот самый NerV;
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Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо NerV за это полезное сообщение:
dima_ant (27.03.2009), mcart (29.04.2009), Nel80 (05.04.2009)
Хайд открыли:
mcart (29.04.2009), haos (07.04.2009), Nel80 (05.04.2009), kabzonas (28.03.2009), dima_ant (27.03.2009), Selena (26.03.2009)
Старый 28.04.2009, 13:18   #10
Аватар для buba technic
Регистрация: 23.08.2007
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Провайдер: Эр-Телеком
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По умолчанию

FastStone Image Viewer 3.8 Final
Графический браузер, вьюер, конвертор и редактор с простым интерфейсом и отличным набором функций: изменение размера, резка, переименовывание, цветокоррекция, водяные знаки и много чего еще. Также включает в себя интуитивно понятный режим полного экрана, дающий доступ к EXIF-информации и режиму эскизов. Из других особенностей - высококачественная лупа и встроенное слайд-шоу с более чем 150 переходными эффектами, такими как lossless JPEG transitions, удаление эффекта теней, рамки изображения, также поддержка сканнера, построение гистограм и многое другое. Поддержка всех основных графических форматов включая BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO и TGA.
Now it is possible to draw callout (cloud, oval, rectangular...) objects in "Draw Board"

Translated user interface into 15 languages

Added option "Number of Copies" in the "Print" dialog

Added option "Color Subsampling" (also called "Chroma Subsampling") for saving JPEG files

Optimized for better performance

Fixed a bug in version 3.7 that the program cannot auto-refresh when viewing files in a network folder

Fixed a bug in previous versions that the program cannot view animated GIF files with zero frame delay time

Other minor improvements

Имя файла: FSViewerSetup38.exe
Размер: 4.9 Mb
Ссылка для скачивания: [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
buba technic вне форума  
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Эти 12 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо buba technic за это полезное сообщение:
Dentexnik (28.04.2009), indeec (28.04.2009), lena_mal (05.05.2009), Maxtexnik (28.04.2009), mcart (29.04.2009), oleg-ovh (01.05.2009), powernick (28.04.2009), spider123 (29.04.2009), Toltolich (28.04.2009), Vladimir (29.04.2009), zzefirka (29.04.2009), Ёzhek (28.04.2009)
Старый 08.06.2009, 13:03   #11
Аватар для buba technic
Регистрация: 23.08.2007
Пол: M
Провайдер: Эр-Телеком
Сообщений: 359
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По умолчанию FastStone Image Viewer

FastStone Image Viewer 3.9

Графический браузер, вьюер, конвертор и редактор с простым интерфейсом и отличным набором функций: изменение размера, резка, переименовывание, цветокоррекция, водяные знаки и много чего еще. Также включает в себя интуитивно понятный режим полного экрана, дающий доступ к EXIF-информации и режиму эскизов. Из других особенностей - высококачественная лупа и встроенное слайд-шоу с более чем 150 переходными эффектами, такими как lossless JPEG transitions, удаление эффекта теней, рамки изображения, также поддержка сканнера, построение гистограм и многое другое. Поддержка всех основных графических форматов включая BMP, JPEG, JPEG 2000, GIF, PNG, PCX, TIFF, WMF, ICO и TGA.

-Enhanced "Multi-Page File Builder" and "Image Strip Builder" under "Create" menu
-Added "Copy", "Paste" and "Cut" to the right-click menu on the folder browser
-Improved performance of selecting files in the thumbnail browser
-When dragging thumbnails, now it is possible to stop by pressing Esc key
-Multi-page TIFF files can be saved as multi-page PDF files
-Added 2 languages: Czech and Swedish
-Fixed bugs
-Other minor improvements

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Русский язык:встроенный
Имя файла: FSViewerSetup39.exe
Размер: 5.0 Mb
Скачать:[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
buba technic вне форума  
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Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо buba technic за это полезное сообщение:
indeec (08.06.2009), Maxtexnik (08.06.2009), powernick (08.06.2009), Toltolich (08.06.2009), Vladimir (11.06.2009)
Старый 06.12.2009, 16:35   #12
Аватар для spider123
Регистрация: 04.12.2007
Адрес: Балахна
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По умолчанию

FastStone Image Viewer 4.0

Version 4.0 (November 19, 2009)

* Enhanced the skins and toolbar icons. Now the windows have drop shadow effect in Vista and Windows 7
* Added "Search and Replace" to Batch Rename
* Added "Renaming Preview" to Batch Rename
* Enhanced "Conversion Preview" in Batch Convert. Now it is possible to compare the original and converted images side by side
* In Advanced Options for Batch Convert, added an option to specify whether color adjustments (brightness, contrast, sharpening etc.) should be made before or after resizing.
* Shows GPS information in the "Image Properties" window. A "Show in Google Earth" button will be available if the image has GPS information
* Added "Border Effects" under Edit menu
* Added an option to remove EXIF/IPTC data when emailing images
* Added shortcuts for favorite folders
* Improved performance on network folders
* Improved compatibility with Windows 7
* Fixed bugs
* Other minor improvements


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batch, option

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