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Старый 09.08.2008, 14:09   #1
Аватар для indeec
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По умолчанию Beyond Compare

Beyond Compare v3.0.1 Build 8602

Удобная программа для сравнения файлов и папок. С ее помощью можно синхронизировать архивы, сайты FTP, обновлять веб-сайты, управлять исходным кодом, находить отличия между двумя текстовыми файлами и т.д. Beyond Compare может сохранять образцы структуры выбранных папок и в заданное время сравнивать их с теми копиями, которые находятся у вас на диске. Программа поддерживает большое количество операций с файлами и папками, в том числе скрипты для автоматизации заданий.


Операционная система: Windows XP/Vista
Язык интерфейса: английский

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
indeec вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо indeec за это полезное сообщение:
Vladimir (10.08.2008)
Старый 10.08.2008, 10:45   #2
Друг всей жизни
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По умолчанию

Beyond Compare v3.0.1.8602

v3.0.1.8602 August 7, 2008

- Data Compare
- Fixed persistence of column name session settings.
- Fixed poor behavior when accepting changes to the "Columns" session
settings while the "Tidy" button is enabled.

- File Formats
- Added hex numbers to "C,C++,C# Source" file format.
- Cleaned up grammars for various formats.
- Fixed importing file formats with helpers (Ini, Java).

- File Views
- Added panel to show any errors that occurred while loading a comparison.
- Added support for showing "Next/Previous Difference Files" commands on the

- Folder Compare
- Added "Use Recycle Bin if possible" to Sync Preview dialog.
- Using "Retry" on the "Folder Not Available" dialog now adds the new paths
to the "Back" list.
- Sync Preview dialog now remembers its size.
- Fixed unresponsiveness and extreme CPU usage when showing the sync preview
dialog or comparison info dialog for large folder comparisons.
- Fixed crash when closing the Sync Preview dialog while it's building the
- Fixed behavior when resizing a column and right-clicking to show the
context menu.
- Fixed unresponsiveness and extreme CPU usage when content comparisons on
large selections remove most of the selected items from the display.
- Fixed flickering status bar when loading a comparison or expanding
unvisited folders.

- Folder Sync
- Fixed progress bar not to appear when loading an empty sync session.

- Fixed slow SFTP uploads to OpenSSH servers.

- Linux
- Toolbars now always have the same height.
- Improved view tab's background gradient.
- Added marquee support to progress bars.
- Fixed support for various keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Left/Right, etc).
- Fixed crash when checking for updates resulted in an HTTP redirect.
- Fixed behavior when using "Browse File System..." with an FTP comparison
- Fixed crash when rapidly closing multiple tabs.
- Fixed GNOME context menu's support for filenames with spaces.

- Misc
- Fixed support for localized system error messages.
- Fixed crash when using a world-wide or unlimited site license.

- MP3 Compare
- Added "Play Both" toolbar button.
- Playback now uses DirectX when available to support more codecs.
- No longer creates temporary copies of files that aren't in zips or on FTP

- Options
- Importing BC2 settings now lists items that can't be imported.
- Fixed importing BC2 settings breaking the "Add to Custom Colors" command
in the Color dialog.

- Picture Compare
- Fixed crash when comparing partially transparent PNGs.

- Sessions
- Shared sessions are now reloaded when changed externally.
- "Shared session file" option now supports bcpkg's.

- Text Views
- Improved error handling when loading files too large to compare.
- "Grammar Item" helper now lists "Form Feed Character (\xc)".

- Text Merge
- Added "Explorer" submenu to output pane.
- Fixed alignment of non-empty end of file lines.
- Fixed editing output without viewing the bottom of large files.

v3.0.0.8507 July 30, 2008

- This is the first official release of Beyond Compare version 3.

Сайт программы:
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Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 10.08.2008 в 10:48.
Vladimir вне форума  
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Старый 02.12.2008, 12:25   #3
Друг всей жизни
Регистрация: 14.01.2007
Пол: M
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Сообщений: 4,083
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По умолчанию

Beyond Compare v3.0.10 build 9357

С офсайта:
share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]- 5.1 Mb

v3.0.10.9357 Changes:
v3.0.10.9357 November 3, 2008

- Notable Changes
- Added "Summary" report layout that matches the "Compare Info" dialogs output,
replacing the Text Compare's "Descriptive Statistics" report.
- Fixed CSV statistics report so the IChanged and UChanged values match
those produced by BC2.

- Command Line
- Using /savetarget for a 2-way merge now uses the same exit codes as a
3-way merge.
- Standard edition no longer tries to handle 3-way merge command lines.
- Fixed new instances not gaining focus if they're started without any
command line arguments.

- File Views
- Tweaked Find dialog's captions for side selection radio buttons.
- Fixed file info panels so they show "Unknown size" instead of -1 if a
file's size isn't available.
- Fixed "Swap Sides" so it switches the active editor/grid/treeview.

- Folder Compare
- Added "Select Newer" and "Select Orphans" menu items.
- Added MRU list for name filter combobox.
- "Ignored" command now clears the "don't refilter" flag on file comparisons
that were opened in a file view.
- Improved error message when a locked .pst file is detected.
- "Comparison Results" dialog now remembers its size.
- Fixed initializing the "Copy to folder" dialog's Left/Right radio buttons
when both sides are selected.
- Fixed crash when deleting files after closing the "Compare Contents"
results dialog.
- Fixed browse button icons after swapping sides.
- Fixed rename behaving poorly if all of the selected files have the same
name and the previous rename used regular expressions.
- Fixed Synchronize Preview dialog's progress label's position.
- Fixed status bars so they show "Unknown size" instead of -1 if a file's
size isn't available.
- Fixed crash when "Automatic Refresh" is active while closing a session.
- Fixed crash when cancelling an operation while it's still doing a
preliminary refresh.
- Fixed out-of-memory error when exiting after extremely large comparisons.
- Fixed "Swap Sides" so it swaps the focus rectangle and selection anchor's
- Fixed folder browse dialog not to show a vertical scrollbar the first time
it's shown on a scaled display (high-DPI or non-8pt font).

- Folder Sync
- Added label displaying statistics from most recent sync.

- Added additional workarounds for Cisco VPN crashes.
- Fixed crash when copying between FTP sites after a server-side disconnect
on the target site.

- Home View
- Fixed "Sticky session selection" tweak handling of default session as mru.

- Linux
- Fixed reading UTF-8 files where a multi-byte character crossed the end of
a buffer.
- Fixed editing symlinks to modify the target file instead of replace the

- Misc
- Fixed session combobox so typing characters while it's dropped down will
jump to the sessions beginning with that name.
- Fixed "Save As" dialog's behavior when changing the "Files of type"
- Fixed crash when reading environmental variables.

- Picture Compare
- Fixed crash when loading extremely large images.

- Reports
- Added "Summary" report layout to all file views other than the Picture
- Fixed CSV statistics report so the IChanged and UChanged values match
those produced by BC2. Important lines with unimportant changes are now
included in the UChanged count instead of the IChanged count.
- Replaced "Descriptive Statistics" text report with a "Summary" report that
matches what's shown in the "Compare Info" dialog.
- The side-by-side Folder Compare report now shows the content comparison
icons in the center.
- Monochrome Folder Compare reports now use a hollow/white folder instead of
the colored icons.
- Fixed word wrap in printed text reports.
- Fixed crash when generating a patch report when one of the two files is
missing the last line ending.

- Scripting
- Fixed crash when using "expand <folder>" when there are orphan folders on
the right side.
- Support for STATS-DESCRIPTIVE text report has been replaced by the new
SUMMARY report style. Old scripts will log a warning message and use the
new report.

- Text Views
- Fixed "Save File As..." so it updates the window/tab caption.
- Fixed the editor's "Browse By Find" buttons so they don't ignore clicks.
- Fixed "Next/Previous Difference" in edit mode with line-based selection.
- Fixed crash when deleting selection with gap-only sections.
- Fixed crash when deleting causes text after gap to be combined with text
before gap.
- Fixed crash when pasting text and ideal resulting cursor location isn't

- Text Compare
- Improved display of "Replacements" list.
- Fixed replacements to get applied in more cases
- Fixed crashes when using replacements.

- Text Merge
- "Customize Commands" dialog no longer lists the "Next/Previous Difference
Files" commands.
- Fixed "A merge conflict is only different change lines" session setting.
Vladimir вне форума  
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Эти 2 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
indeec (02.12.2008), jardet (06.12.2008)
Старый 23.12.2008, 18:14   #4
Друг всей жизни
Регистрация: 14.01.2007
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Сообщений: 4,083
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38 Всего

По умолчанию

Beyond Compare 3.0.11, build 9510, released Dec. 3, 2008

С офсайта:
share.nnov.ru [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 5.2 Mb

v3.0.11.9509 Changes:
v3.0.11.9509 December 3, 2008

- Command Line
- Added support for loading a named workspace from the command line.
- Added version information to bcomp.exe and bcomp.com.
- Fixed copying bcomp.exe to a different folder and then launching it from a
limited user account after an administrative install.
- Fixed "bcomp /?" displaying the help file when it's in a different folder
than the BC install.

- Data Compare
- Increased maximum number of columns to 500.
- Control characters are now drawn as the Unicode replacement character.
- Added "Recognized line ending styles" setting to "Type" page which allows
unchecked style to be treated as data.
- Changing column properties now recalculates all columns instead of just the
first 128.
- "Comma Separated Values" and "MS Excel Workbooks" formats now only
recognize CR/LF line endings.
- Row details grid now shows a selected column instead of selecting the
entire row.
- "Copy" no longer includes hidden cells.
- Column Handling dialog's caption now includes the column number or
- Fixed resizing columns so the mouse cursor shifts if the resizing causes a
horizontal scroll.
- Fixed behavior when there are no columns defined.
- Improved missing column handling.

- File Formats
- Fixed persistence of empty descriptions.

- File Views
- Trying to load a file from a snapshot now displays "Content Unavailable"
instead of treating it as a load error.
- "File Encoding Error" now includes the line number of first error.
- Fixed Quick Compare dialog's display of filenames with ampersands.

- Folder Compare
- Saving a snapshot of a folder containing other snapshots with the "Include
Archive Contents" option enabled no longer includes those snapshots'
- Regular expression renames now support an empty "New Mask".
- Disabled autocompletion on "Filters" combobox.
- Failures to copy NTFS ACLs now logs an error once per program instance.
- Fixed creating new folders during a copy so they correctly copy DOS 8.3
filenames and NTFS ACLs.
- Fixed overwriting read-only files when extracting from archives or
downloading from FTP sites.
- Fixed display of file sizes greater than 2GB with a 0 in the hundred
millions position.
- Fixed support for custom presets in "Filters" combobox.
- Fixed crash when using the "Ignored" command on an archive file or on
folders that contain archives.
- Fixed "Skip if quick tests indicate files are the same" so files are still
compared if none of the quick tests are active.
- Fixed duplicate accelerator keys in Compare Contents dialog.
- Fixed context help for Alignment Override dialog.
- Fixed crash after using "Merge in New View".
- Fixed Legend dialog's background coloring when "Use stripes" option is
- Fixed crash when deleting files that were part of a "Compare Contents"
command while the comparison was still occurring.

- Folder Sync
- Fixed "Auto Sync" button obscuring the previous sync's summary.

- FTPS connections to port 990 now use implicit SSL.
- Fixed support for deleting files on Linksys NSLU2 NAS FTP server.
- Fixed CLNT command to send "Beyond Compare v3.x.x" instead of "Beyond

- Hex Compare
- Fixed crash when loading the comparison.

- Linux
- Added support for "Bypass disk cache during binary comparisons".
- Converting FTP timestamps between UTC and local now uses the offset when
the timestamp occurs instead of the current offset.
- Removed bcompare.sh's > /dev/null redirection so console messages will be
- Fixed appearance of visible tab and space characters.
- Fixed mouse locking when clicking the view thumbnail in file op
confirmation dialogs.
- Fixed crash when pressing a key after dragging the center splitter in the
Text Compare.

- Misc
- Customize Commands dialog now supports showing/hiding toolbar comboboxes
and edits (Sessions, Filename Filters, etc).
- Help->Support dialog now generates a .zip instead of a .bcpkg.
- Added additional workarounds for crashes caused by Cisco VPN software.
- Improved support for mangled registration keys.
- Toolbars now hide automatically if none of the items on them are visible.
- Fixed crash when closing application while help window is open.
- Fixed crashes when opening new views.
- Fixed crash if a window was closed while the session combobox is open.

- MP3 Compare
- "Content type (TCON)" now shows "?" for empty genres.
- Non-fatal errors no longer prevent showing comparison.

- Options
- Changing archive associations now warns that BC must be restarted to use
- Deleted syntax elements no longer appear in the display options.

- Picture Compare
- Added support for "Replacements" of one color with another.

- Scripting
- Fixed HTML report's WRAP-WORD option.
- Fixed FILE-REPORT and FOLDER-REPORT so they default to wrap-none for HTML

- Sessions
- Session Settings dialogs are now resizable.
- Session Settings dialog captions now include session type.
- Changing an auto-saved Folder Compare session's child session settings no
longer creates a new auto-saved session.
- Fixed persistence of Folder Compare child sessions when their settings
match the program defaults.

- Source Control
- Fixed "Unable to run the PVCS merge tool" error when displaying comparisons
from PVCS.
- Fixed support for AlienBrain source control integration.

- Text Views
- Editing files no longer breaks NTFS hard links.
- Fixed "Replace" with line-based selection to switch to character selection
before replacing.
- Fixed multiline delete from first char on start line to last char on stop
line so it recalculates coloring.
- Fixed alignment so it matches blank lines with each other instead of
matching one with a very short line.
- Fixed importance list so it no longer displays deleted syntax elements.
- Fixed crash when editing.

- Text Compare
- Added "Replacement..." command which adds an item to the replacement list
based on the current difference.
- Added using [Del] and [Ins] to add/remove replacements.

- Text Merge
- "Take Left Then Right"/"Take Right Then Left" now preserves the original
caret position.
- Fixed support for using /savetarget with a relative path.

- Version Compare
- Added support for displaying version information in BCSS snapshots.
- Non-fatal errors no longer prevent showing comparison.
Vladimir вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Vladimir за это полезное сообщение:
indeec (28.12.2008)
Старый 10.04.2009, 19:32   #5
Аватар для indeec
Регистрация: 05.08.2007
Адрес: НН
Пол: M
Провайдер: ВолгаТелеком
Сообщений: 4,498
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Открыли хайд :
2 в этом сообщении
47,026 Всего

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По умолчанию

Beyond Compare

What's New:
Notable Changes
Data Compare now supports modifying delimited and fixed width files.
Added support for third-party BC v2 plugins.
Added support for zip archives with Unicode filenames, AES encryption, and
files larger than 2GB.
Added support for comparing over HTTP.
Added support for comparing RPM files (Linux only).
Added support for creating and modifying .gz and .tar.gz files.
Fixed excessive "Refreshing..." step before large file operations or those
on slow connections.
Added support for AES zip encryption.
Added support for 64-bit zips.
Added support for storing Unicode filenames in zips.

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
indeec вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо indeec за это полезное сообщение:
Vladimir (10.04.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Nakarid (12.04.2009), Vladimir (10.04.2009)
Старый 26.09.2009, 11:12   #6
Fallen To Love =^_^=
Аватар для -aFx-
Регистрация: 12.09.2007
Адрес: Н.Новгород
Пол: M
Провайдер: Эр-Телеком
Сообщений: 1,746
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По умолчанию

Beyond Compare

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
"Беспощадно используя мой бред ставьте, пожалуйста, копирайту.."
Сивая кобыла (с)
-aFx- вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо -aFx- за это полезное сообщение:
Saphier (27.09.2009)
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Saphier (27.09.2009)
Старый 25.12.2009, 13:47   #7
Друг всей жизни
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Beyond Compare

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 5.2 Mb

Beyond Compare
с офсайта

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - 5.3 Mb
SeaMonkey 2.49.2 - вот это [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться].

Последний раз редактировалось Vladimir; 25.12.2009 в 13:49.
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