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Старый 17.08.2008, 05:40   #1

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По умолчанию Net Activity Diagram

Net Activity Diagram показывает количество информации, полученное вашим компьютером через Интернет или локальную сеть. Он поддерживает основные Internet-протоколы (TCP, UDP) и показывает переданные через них количество информации. Вы можете отдельно снимать информацию о траффике с каждого порта. NAD обладает простым и удобным интерфейсом, легкой настройкой и полной прозрачностью совершаемых процессов. В версии 2.5 добавлены диаграммы скорости в диалоге активных соединений, возможность группировки активных соединений по адресу, порту или протоколу, улучшено отображение дополнительной информации в диалоге активных соединений.

Net Activity Diagram is a Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP/2003/Vista application that monitors your computer network and Internet activity.

Net Activity Diagram. See Your Network Traffic.

The program lets you monitor and control your network traffic. Visualizing your Internet activity is simple – the program is easy, even for inexperienced users. You can view all established connections, monitor network traffic over a certain period, setup various notifications, etc.

Use tray icons and floating diagrams to see the network bytes flow.

Net Activity Diagram can display your network activity in floating windows and tray icons. You can adjust colors, font sizes and transparency according to your favorite desktop theme.

Control and monitor your traffic.

The new version introduces a unique and reliable Smart Filtering feature to monitor network traffic by Internet protocol. Unlike other network monitors, Net Activity Diagram analyzes Internet connections independently by port number, allowing you to see Web, FTP, streaming media and other activity separately.

The program has rich statistical capabilities to monitor traffic for a specified time period. You can filter traffic by connection type, IP address, port and other parameters.

The Active Connections dialog shows all connections established with other computers and the amount of information passed through each one.
Be notified when your traffic exceeds your predefined limits.

The flexible notification system helps you to set limits on various traffic parameters. If you exceed these limits, you will be notified via E-mail, net send, message box, sound or an application launch, whichever you choose.
Get instant information about Wi-Fi signal strength.

Wi-Fi users will like the signal strength indicator in the system tray. This feature helps find the place where your wireless connection is fastest and most reliable.


* Program monitors all of your computer Internet traffic.
* Net Activity Diagram now supports seven types of traffic diagrams - Tray Icon, floating windows with graph and/or with text, combined diagrams, invisible (for statistic purposes only) and others.
* All diagrams can be customized with colors, size, display time period, etc.
* The Smart Filtering feature allows to count traffic of each of your applications - determine how much traffic was consumed by your browser, email client, etc.
* The Active Connections dialog shows the connections established on your computer - this gives the ability to examine the Internet activity in detail.
* The Statistics dialog gives an opportunity to overview the traffic consumption over time, see the detailed reports based on the specified Smart Filtering engine filters or the overall traffic chart.
* The Traffic Notifications feature allows you to be informed when you exceed the traffic limits you setup. You can use email, Net Send, sound, message box and other notifications.

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

Последний раз редактировалось The Godfather; 18.08.2008 в 04:21.
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