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NIX-Софт Софт для *Nix систем (Linux, Unix и проч.)

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Старый 22.03.2009, 07:58   #1
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
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Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
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По умолчанию Linux: Absolute Linux

Absolute Linux 12.2.2

Absolute Linux is a light-weight modification of Slackware Linux. It includes several utilities that make configuration and maintenance easier and it has many common desktop and Internet applications installed and configured with tight integration of menus, applications and MIME types. Absolute Linux uses IceWM and ROX for its window and file managers.

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

"Absolute Linux 12.2.2 released. This release brings kernel, autoinstall defaults to ext4 file system. (Regular install allows for ext3 and ReiserFS as well.) The kernel, for now, is the Slackware 'hugesmp', so it is Slackware 'stock'. Waiting for feedback to see if users like this or would rather get specific configuration tweaked. The large number of changes along with imminent bump in X.Org led me to go with the flow for now in order to allow easier input from Slackware-compatible repositories. In addition to the new kernel there was a very large number of applications, as well as library updates -- so installing via GSlapt is not advised

share.nnov.ru < 695mb

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уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Хайд открыли:
nc79 (31.03.2009), Nakarid (29.03.2009)

Здесь присутствуют: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1)

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