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Старый 03.03.2009, 08:38   #1
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По умолчанию Oxford Practice Grammar All Level Pack (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)

Oxford Practice Grammar All Level Pack (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)

Год выпуска: 2006
Жанр: Мультимедиа курс
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Authors, editors, and contributors:
Basic - Norman Coe, Mark Harrison, and Ken Paterson
Intermediate - John Eastwood
Advanced - George Yule
This new three-level series edition offers just the right balance of explanations and practice. The Advanced level offers in-depth explanations and challenging activities to help students refine their grammatical competence. The Grammar Practice-Plus CD-ROM expands on materials covered in the texts.
Listen and Speak: Students hear sentences, select the correct response, and record their own voices.
Read and Write: Students practice identifying errors and correcting them.
Test and Review: Multiple choice tests help students check their progress.
Revision units and tests help focus on the grammar that needs more practice.
The series covers the grammar students need to know for international exams such as PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, TOEFL. Exit tests ensure the student is ready for the next level of Oxford Practice Grammar . The only grammar CD-ROM with interactive 'find and correct the mistake' exercises, to help tudents notice and correct their own mistakes. Unique dialogue building exercises with listening and speaking elements to build students' confidence. Multiple choice tests to review progress. Audio activities to develop students' ability to listen for grammatical differences.

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]

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altyn (03.03.2009)
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offtop (06.08.2010), Magda13 (03.03.2010), Progressist (06.09.2009), lily_vitamin (14.08.2009), mixavova (06.08.2009), krutov-tatarin (30.07.2009), alex-ss (25.07.2009), Dima120 (24.07.2009), alore (22.07.2009), Anira (21.07.2009), jhg (11.03.2009), WholeMan (11.03.2009), altyn (03.03.2009), dlyx (03.03.2009)
Старый 21.07.2009, 08:13   #2
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