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Старый 03.03.2009, 08:43   #1
Аватар для NerV
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По умолчанию CBT Nuggets

CBT Nuggets Microsoft SQL Server 2008 70-450

Designing, Optimizing, and Maintaining a Database Administrative Solution

Производитель: CBT Nuggets
Год выпуска: 2009
Язык: английский
Описание: e you a database administrator who wants to add design and development skills to your toolkit? Then this CBT Nuggets SQL Server 2008 Exam-Pack 70-450 training pack is for you.
SQL Server 2008 brings you lots of terrific features. Shared server-wide management capability allows you to automate processes, schedule tasks and set performance alerts. Plus you can edit and insert code and run reports.
Trainer Don Jones begins his video series with the basics: SQL terminology, how relational databases work, how they store and retrieve data and the fundamentals of the T-SQL language. Then he teaches you how to install, migrate, upgrade and consolidate your data from previous SQL versions to 2008 SQL Server. Plus, he shows you how some of the "handy" tips and tricks you may have used in earlier versions of SQL can trip you up in SQL Server 2008.
Exam pack 70-450 contains the following videos:

* Introduction and Overview
* SQL Server 2008 Functional Concepts and Architecture
* SQL Server 2008 Physical Concepts and Architecture
* Planning a SQL Server 2008 Installation
* Installing SQL Server 2008
* Creating and Using a Database
* Migrating, Consolidating, and Upgrading
* SQL Server Instance Security
* SQL Server Database Security
* High Availability Overview
* Backing up SQL Server
* Restoring SQL Server
* Database Mirroring and Clustering
* Monitoring SQL Server
* SQL Server Performance Optimization
* Maintaining SQL Server
* Managing SQL Server
* Using SQL Server Agent
* Distributing Data with SQL Server Integration Services
* Linked Servers and Replication

Видео кодек: Windows Media
Видео: Windows Media Video 7 800x600 15.00fps 82Kbps [Raw Video 1]
Аудио: Windows Media Audio 44100Hz mono 48Kbps [Raw Audio 0]

share.nnov.ru < 640mb

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altyn (03.03.2009)
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kmark (14.03.2010), serge370 (11.03.2009), WholeMan (11.03.2009), altyn (03.03.2009), dlyx (03.03.2009)
Старый 11.03.2009, 11:02   #2
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: М
Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
Поблагодарил: 29
Поблагодарили 1,934 раз в 548 сообщениях
Открыли хайд :
2 в этом сообщении
8,867 Всего

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По умолчанию

Exam-Pack 70-401
Производитель: CBT Nuggets
Язык: английский
Introduction to System Center, SCCM, and our Learning Style
SCCM Components
Installing SCCM & Upgrading from SMS 2003
Discovering Resources
Deploying SCCM Clients
Inventory & Basic Collections
Queries & Query-based Collections
Reports & Dashboards
Software Distribution Part 1: The Art
Software Distribution Part 2: The Science
Deploying Operating Systems
Deploying Software Updates
Metering Software Usage
Desired Configuration Management
Remote Tools & Wake On LAN Features
Network Access Protection
Mobile Devices
Backups and Troubleshooting
Planning an SCCM Hierarchy
Mixed Mode vs. Native Mode & Internet-based Clients

Type: WMV
Audio: Windows Media Audio 44100Hz mono 48Kbps [Raw Audio 0]
Video: Windows Media Video 7 800x600 15.00fps 95Kbps [Raw Video 1]

share.nnov.ru < 787mb

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
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уже не тот самый NerV;
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Хайд открыли:
kmark (14.03.2010), WholeMan (11.03.2009)

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