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Жесткие диски и данные Программы для работы с винчестерами - дефрагментация, разбиение, резервное копирование, восстановление данных
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Старый 22.06.2009, 21:39   #1
Аватар для ibitsa
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По умолчанию SpaceSniffer

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не требует установки

Аааааааа, опять кончилось место на диске! Почему? Ведь только что еще было пару гигов. Ну, ничего сейчас мы во всем разберемся, благо SpaceSniffer в оригинальной форме покажет, на что конкретно потрачен весь объем дисков. Чтобы долго не задаваться вопросом "А чтобы такого удалить?", для тебя доступны специальные фильтры, с помощью которых ты можешь найти какие-нибудь древненькие файлы.

files.unn(871.8 Kb)
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c1ass (15.08.2009), Swing (12.08.2009), Dr.Re (30.07.2009), Daffffka (29.06.2009), Parenec (26.06.2009), Vasilyt (25.06.2009), ZiqZaq (25.06.2009), diaxxx (24.06.2009), Nakarid (24.06.2009), Roma_n (23.06.2009)
Старый 10.08.2009, 01:33   #2
Хороший Друг
Аватар для ZiqZaq
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По умолчанию SpaceSniffer v1.1.0.0

SpaceSniffer v1.1.0.0

1176 kb Release notes - 26/06/2009
Find lost space on your disks the easy way.
перевожу не читающим по англ:
потерянное место находит на вашем винте влегкую

Tested on
Windows 2000
Вынь 7 (семь)

Brief product description:
SpaceSniffer is a freeWare (donations are welcome) and portable tool application that lets you understand how folders and files are structured on your disks. By using a Treemap visualization layout, you have immediate perception of where big folders and files are placed on your devices. Treemap concept was invented by Prof. Ben Shneiderman, who kindly permitted the use of his concept into this tool.

Start a scan process and see the overall situation. Bigger are the elements on the view, bigger are folders and files on your disk. You need more detail on a big folder? Just single click on it. The selected element will be detailed with its content.

Need more and more detail? Keep selecting elements and they'll discover their secrets to you. Need a larger view of a small folder? Then double click on it, and it'll zoom to the full extent of the view.

If you need to understand why no more free space is left on media, keep following bigger elements. Maybe you want to focus only on particular file types... ok. Just type the file type on the filter field (example: *.jpg) and press enter. The view will react and show you only JPEG files.
Want to exclude files? Then type a starting pipe before the filter (example: |*.jpg) and press enter. The view will show everything but JPEG files.

If you want to keep track of examined files you can tag them. Four colors are available. Just hover the mouse on a file and press CTRL+1 to tag it red. There are keys also for yellow, green and blue tagging. Use them as you wish. You can also filter on tags (example: :red will show only red tagges files, :all will show all tagged files and so on). You can also exclude tagged files (example: |:red will exclude all red tagged files)

Want to know if you have old files? Type the condition in the filter field (example: >2years) and the view will react accordingly.

You can also filter on file size, file date and combine all filters
(example: *.jpg;>1mb;<3months;|:yellow)

Once you have your result, you can produce a textual report by using the embedded Export Module. You can even customize the report layout to match your needs.

куча дополн полезностей и вкусностей!
SpaceSniffer tips and tricks
но лучше просмотреть на оф сайте (понятнее стилевое форматирование) [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
SpaceSniffer tips and tricks:
How to start a scan
SpaceSniffer gives you many ways to start a scan. When you start the application, a start dialog will appear asking you what to scan. You can:
Double click a media icon, or select a media icon with the keyboard and then press ENTER key
Type a path in the path field. If the path is too difficult to type manually, you can press the PATH button and then browse for the path to scan
Drag and drop a folder from Windows Explorer into the start dialog. Only one folder is permitted here. After dropping the folder, you will find his path i the path field
Close the start dialog and directly drag and drop in the main window as many folders as you like. Remember that each dropped folder is a new view window
How to print a report
SpaceSniffer lets you produce a textual report of you searches:
First of all, filter the files you need to report and navigate to the folder that will be the "root" of the report.
Then, select File/Export command from the SpaceSniffer main menu. The export module interface will appear on screen.
Choose one of the available export configurations. SpaceSniffer comes with some built-in ready to use configurations, but if you wish you can customize, add and remove them. Please have a look at the "Export Customization" documentation included in the SpaceSniffer package from v1.1.0.0.
Press the export button on the upper toolbar and save the resulting textual report as a file.
Then, you can print the report with any application you wish.
How to automate operations on files

SpaceSniffer export module, if correctly configured, lets you produce also batch files. So, you can automate operations on huge number of files. For security reasons no batch file configurations are built-in provided but nobody stops you to experiment and share your scripts!

If you produced nice scripts, please share! We'll pleased to expose them when they'll be available!
How to start SpaceSniffer through command line
You can start SpaceSniffer also through the command prompt. SpaceSniffer can understand some parameters commands. To view all the possibilities you can type in a command prompt:

SpaceSniffer.exe help

Or you can choose the Command line help in the About menu of the main window.

Examples: Let's explain how to drive SpaceSniffer through parameters:

SpaceSniffer.exe scan c:\

will start a single scan on drive c:\

SpaceSniffer.exe scan c:\;d:\

will start two scan views on respective paths.

SpaceSniffer.exe scan "c:\Program Files;c:\Windows"

you can type also a complete path, just consider that if the path contains spaces, all the compound paths parameter must be surrounded with "" chars.

SpaceSniffer.exe scan c:\ filter *.jpg;*.gif

the filter command will apply to the previous scan command. So this will scan the c:\ drive for JPEGs and GIFs.

SpaceSniffer.exe scan c:\ filter *.jpg scan d:\;e:\ filter *.gif;>100kb

got the idea? How to temporary hide those big files
Sometimes, a really big file comes in the way and prevents you seeing more smaller files. This can be annoying but with file tagging you can solve the problem:
Just set a tag excluding filter such as |:red (this hides red tagged files).
Then, simply hover the mouse on the annoying file and press CTRL+1 or simply 1 if the filter field is not focused.
The file is tagged and will disappear, letting more space for smaller files to display.
When you had enough, simply remove the file filter to see everything again. If you wish to display only tagged files, then transform the excluding filter in an including filter by removing the starting pipe character.
How to integrate SpaceSniffer in the windows folder popup menu
Do you want to integrate SpaceSniffer in the Windows Explorer context menu, so you can analyze a folder directly by its popup menu? That's simple. First of all, you must copy the SpaceSniffer executable in a fixed folder of your hard drive (don't keep it into a flash drive or you could miss the executable if you remove the drive). For example, i put the executable in my c:\pub folder.

Copy the following code and paste it into an empty notepad document. You must edit the code (the last line) accordingly to the path where your exe is situated. Then save it with filename "spacesniffer.reg".

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Scan_with_SpaceSnif fer]
@="Scan with SpaceSniffer"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Scan_with_SpaceSnif fer\command]
@="C:\\pub\\SpaceSniffer.exe scan \"%1\""

Then, simply double click the saved file and the registry of your machine will be updated. Now, in the Windows popup menu the new command will be visible (this applies only to folders)
How to remove those annoying animations!
If the mouse trailing animation is annoying for you, then you can deactivate it from the Configure/Colors panel
How to navigate faster in the structure
SpaceSniffer is intuitive in structure navigation. When you zoom in/out every place is bookmarked so you can go back and forth by pressing the web-like toolbar buttons.
But if you are in a hurry and have no time to lose, you can speed up the navigation experience by using the BACKSPACE (go back) keyboard key. By combining mouse double click to zoom in and BACKSPACE key to go back, the navigation speed is greatly improved! You can also configure the zoom speed to this takes less time. It's up to you.
How to speed up the scanning process
SpaceSniffer shows you the scanning process in a pleasant way. But when you are accustomed to this maybe you are better interested in scan speed. To improve the scanning speed you can:
Diminish the graphics refresh rate in the Configure/Effects panel. This leads to a "choppy" animation but goes faster
Deactivate the scanning of NTFS Alternate Data Streams in the Configure/Behaviour panel if you don't need it
Minimize the SpaceSniffer window or hide it under other windows during the scan process. This will improve greatly the scanning speed since the graphics is no more updated.
Then, restore the window when the scan has finished
Anyway, be aware that you can start navigating the structure even before the scan process ends. It's not necessary to wait it to terminate.

я бы очень порекомендовал прочесть [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] - рассказывают много интересного и собственно откуда у проги ноги растут
мое мнение: продукт ну просто очень нужный в хозяйстве, если ваш винт заполнен "по самое" и срочно нужно свободное место под гигабайты

качаем шаре ннов и шаре -нн
Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
Only robots using AI with Neural Network will may play a role in the history. [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться] member

Последний раз редактировалось ZiqZaq; 10.08.2009 в 02:01.
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Эти 6 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо ZiqZaq за это полезное сообщение:
baa2 (10.11.2009), diaxxx (21.08.2009), ibitsa (10.08.2009), KaZantip)) (12.08.2009), spider123 (10.08.2009), рыбка (10.08.2009)
Хайд открыли:
baa2 (10.11.2009), diaxxx (21.08.2009), SilverS (18.08.2009), serg777 (17.08.2009), Дьяблеро (17.08.2009), c1ass (15.08.2009), Марго (14.08.2009), shgdrukk (13.08.2009), KaZantip)) (12.08.2009), Nakarid (12.08.2009), Swing (12.08.2009), Юлик (11.08.2009), рыбка (10.08.2009), spider123 (10.08.2009), Сталкер (10.08.2009), ibitsa (10.08.2009)

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