Тема: Feed Demon
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Старый 16.04.2009, 17:30   #1
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По умолчанию Feed Demon

Feed Demon Beta

FeedDemon — программа для чтения RSS (RSS-агрегатор), для операционной системы Windows, распространяемая по лицензии freeware. Программа написана программистом Ником Брэдбери. Программа имеет удобный и понятный интерфейс, и при этом является очень функциональной. С помощью FeedDemon можно создать целую избранную базу RSS-лент.

Полная синхронизация с сервисом newsgator.com . Благодаря ему, вы можете управлять вашими фидам с любого места без наличия клиента.

Looking for a great way to view and manage your RSS feeds from your desktop? Look no further than FeedDemon, the most popular Windows RSS reader.

The easy-to-use interface makes it a snap to stay informed with the latest news and information. You can completely customize the way feeds are organized and displayed and set up custom news watches based on keywords. You can even download podcasts and audio files and have them show up on your portable audio device.

In addition, FeedDemon now synchronizes with NewsGator Online and the rest of the NewsGator RSS Suite. The software is pre-configured with dozens of feeds, so you can unleash the power of RSS right away.

Change log:
* Added: Numerous performance, memory and CPU usage improvements
* Added: Improved handling of database-related problems
* Added: "Manage Cache" now reports amount of database fragmentation (useful for those who want to know when it's time to compact)

* Changed: Subscription report reduced to two columns
* Changed: "Delete" icon now always appears in clippings newspaper
* Changed: Freeze detection removed (caused more harm than good)
* Changed: Maximum connections in connection settings now enforces a max of eight connections (more connections than that often resulted in timeouts and other problems)

* Fixed: Synched Twitter feeds don't show profile picture
* Fixed: Automatic feed update still attempted when working offline
* Fixed: Middle-click opens item in new tab but fails to mark it as read in the newspaper
* Fixed: "Mark all watches as read" takes far too long
* Fixed: Read states aren't synched after returning from offline mode
* Fixed: Dinosaurs report doesn't always show the year of the last post
* Fixed: Excerpts of item descriptions which end with are incorrectly clipped
* Fixed: Duplicate titles in "Popular in My Subscriptions" section of subscription report
* Fixed: Thumbnails don't collapse in "Blue Vista" style
* Fixed: "Search Subscriptions" fragments FeedDemon's database

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indeec (16.04.2009), Stinger Dub (17.04.2009), VladimirRed (17.04.2009)