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Старый 16.04.2009, 17:30   #1
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
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По умолчанию Feed Demon

Feed Demon Beta

FeedDemon — программа для чтения RSS (RSS-агрегатор), для операционной системы Windows, распространяемая по лицензии freeware. Программа написана программистом Ником Брэдбери. Программа имеет удобный и понятный интерфейс, и при этом является очень функциональной. С помощью FeedDemon можно создать целую избранную базу RSS-лент.

Полная синхронизация с сервисом newsgator.com . Благодаря ему, вы можете управлять вашими фидам с любого места без наличия клиента.

Looking for a great way to view and manage your RSS feeds from your desktop? Look no further than FeedDemon, the most popular Windows RSS reader.

The easy-to-use interface makes it a snap to stay informed with the latest news and information. You can completely customize the way feeds are organized and displayed and set up custom news watches based on keywords. You can even download podcasts and audio files and have them show up on your portable audio device.

In addition, FeedDemon now synchronizes with NewsGator Online and the rest of the NewsGator RSS Suite. The software is pre-configured with dozens of feeds, so you can unleash the power of RSS right away.

Change log:
* Added: Numerous performance, memory and CPU usage improvements
* Added: Improved handling of database-related problems
* Added: "Manage Cache" now reports amount of database fragmentation (useful for those who want to know when it's time to compact)

* Changed: Subscription report reduced to two columns
* Changed: "Delete" icon now always appears in clippings newspaper
* Changed: Freeze detection removed (caused more harm than good)
* Changed: Maximum connections in connection settings now enforces a max of eight connections (more connections than that often resulted in timeouts and other problems)

* Fixed: Synched Twitter feeds don't show profile picture
* Fixed: Automatic feed update still attempted when working offline
* Fixed: Middle-click opens item in new tab but fails to mark it as read in the newspaper
* Fixed: "Mark all watches as read" takes far too long
* Fixed: Read states aren't synched after returning from offline mode
* Fixed: Dinosaurs report doesn't always show the year of the last post
* Fixed: Excerpts of item descriptions which end with are incorrectly clipped
* Fixed: Duplicate titles in "Popular in My Subscriptions" section of subscription report
* Fixed: Thumbnails don't collapse in "Blue Vista" style
* Fixed: "Search Subscriptions" fragments FeedDemon's database

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
уже не тот самый NerV;
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Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо NerV за это полезное сообщение:
indeec (16.04.2009), Stinger Dub (17.04.2009), VladimirRed (17.04.2009)
Старый 16.04.2009, 20:08   #2
Аватар для rom-x
Регистрация: 03.09.2007
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хорошая программа давно ей пользуюсь. С френдов рсс с помощью нее читаю) Правда у меня не бета а 2.7
rom-x вне форума  
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Старый 17.04.2009, 07:50   #3
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
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Провайдер: Сэнди
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2,7 старая стабильная.

Я уже предпочитаю 3,0 , работает отлично.
уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Старый 18.04.2009, 11:25   #4
Аватар для rom-x
Регистрация: 03.09.2007
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По умолчанию

NerV, а она русифицирована? 2,7 последняя версия на оф. сайте)

Последний раз редактировалось rom-x; 18.04.2009 в 11:27.
rom-x вне форума  
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Старый 18.04.2009, 18:30   #5
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: М
Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
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нет, англ.

Вот скрин с моей версии
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Старый 19.04.2009, 14:28   #6
Аватар для rom-x
Регистрация: 03.09.2007
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Сообщений: 80
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По умолчанию

NerV, у меня русифицирована если кому надо выложу Отличий не заметил радикальных, 2,7 вполне устраивает
rom-x вне форума  
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Старый 20.04.2009, 09:06   #7
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: М
Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
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Откуда lang взял?
С офф сайта только англ.
уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Старый 20.04.2009, 09:11   #8
Аватар для rom-x
Регистрация: 03.09.2007
Пол: М
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Сообщений: 80
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По умолчанию

NerV, нарыл откуда-то, но не на офе
rom-x вне форума  
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Старый 22.04.2009, 07:18   #9
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: М
Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
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FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 3 (Build

Changes in FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 3 (

* Added: Significant performance improvements, especially when subscribed to a large number of feeds (several hundred or more)
* Added: Faster drawing, loading and updating in subscription tree
* Added: Visual enhancements in subscription tree when using Windows Vista

* Changed: Setup now defaults to installing under the local appdata folder when run by non-admin user (since "Program Files" requires admin rights on Vista)
* Changed: Feed updating is now paused while performing an action that may modify your feeds (unsubscribing, changing options, performing cleanup, etc.)
* Changed: Error reporting now includes an "exit application" checkbox

* Fixed: Continued duplication of posts in unsynched feeds, including posts which contain a UTF8 BOM in the title or description
* Fixed: Temporary freeze when updating starts
* Fixed: Temporary freeze as new items received if those items are picked up by a watch
* Fixed: Freeze when unsubscribing while feeds are updating
* Fixed: Excerpts hidden in "Blue Vista" newspaper style
* Fixed: Update indicator not shown when updating single feed/folder
* Fixed: FeedDemon's automatic database backup doesn't verify integrity of database prior to backup (automatic backup occurs at startup when backup hasn't been made for 24 hours)
* Fixed: FeedStation setup requires admin rights
* Fixed: Favicons deleted on first run after installing
* Fixed: Empty hyperlinks cause extra whitescape in newspaper when showing excerpts
* Fixed: Automatic prefetch consumes too much memory if a large number of new items are received in a single update

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо NerV за это полезное сообщение:
сам (23.04.2009)
Старый 24.04.2009, 15:01   #10
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: М
Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
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FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 3a (Build

Changes in FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 3a (

* Fixed: Inaccurate unread counts sometimes displayed
* Fixed: Read/unread changes resulting from "Resync Now" aren't shown in subscriptions right away
* Fixed: Favorites menu uses incorrect font color
* Fixed: Can't click full width of selection in subscription tree

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Старый 09.05.2009, 07:59   #11
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: М
Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
Поблагодарил: 29
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FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 5a (Build

Changes in FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 5/5a

* Added: Tags added in Google Reader are now synched with FeedDemon on startup
* Added: Performance improvements throughout FeedDemon (basically wherever the feed database is accessed) (beta 5a)
* Added: Author names, retweets and hyperlinks in Twitter status posts are now included in FeedDemon's prefetch (beta 5a)
* Fixed: FeedDemon misses some unread items when synched with Google Reader
* Fixed: Deleted feeds reappear if FeedDemon closed immediately after deleting them
* Fixed: Keyword continues to appear next to subscriptions after switching from keyword view (161560)
* Fixed: "Find Feeds" should be disabled when synched with Google Reader (161672)
* Fixed: Tools | Open FeedStation doesn't work
* Fixed: Missing program group icon for FeedStation
* Fixed: Numerous browser-related exceptions (esp. with pages containing embedded video)
* Fixed: "Resync Now" marks items read in Google Reader (beta 5a)
* Fixed: Check for new version fails when not synching with NewsGator (beta 5a)
* Fixed: Invalid thumbnail images in synched Yahoo News feeds (beta 5a)
* Fixed: Hitting J/K in quick succession focuses the wrong item in the newspaper (beta 5a)
* Fixed: Unsynched feeds are included in the update after hitting "Resync Now" (beta 5a)
* Fixed: Wrong # of steps show in startup wizard (beta 5a)
* Fixed: Date algorithms follow the ISO 8601 standard and always treat Monday as the first day of the week regardless of the Windows locale (beta 5a)
* Fixed: Short URL preview isn't disabled when working offline
* Fixed: Feeds marked read in Google Reader continue to display in "Unread feed/folder view" after synching
* Fixed: Poor vertical spacing of text inside <pre> tags

Changes in FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 4/4a

* Added: Synchronization with Google Reader. If you're already synching with NewsGator, you can convert to Google Reader by selecting Tools | Synchronization Options | Advanced | Convert Now. If you're new to FeedDemon, you'll be give a choice of synchronization platforms at startup. If you've been using FeedDemon without synchronization, the subscriptions report will include an "Enable synchronization" link.
* Added: "Reset feed title and homepage" button added to feed properties

* Changed: Watches and filers now appear beneath "Filters & Watches"
* Changed: ALT key no longer toggles the main menu (but you can still click any toolbar to hide it)
* Changed: Redesigned per-feed/per-folder prefetch options
* Changed: No longer creating separate program group for FeedStation icons
* Changed: FeedDemon's install is almost 30% smaller than before
* Changed: The default # of items per newspaper page is now 25 instead of 10
* Changed: Automatic backup now happens every 48 hours instead of every 24 hours
* Changed: Search results now use "surfer" style
* Changed: User name no longer shown in caption when synched with Google Reader (beta 4a)

* Fixed: Exceptions during prefetch
* Fixed: Deleting a folder containing a large number of feeds takes far too long
* Fixed: Unread count of selected feed is hard to read in unthemed subscription tree
* Fixed: Changes to a feed's home page URL are reset when the feed is updated
* Fixed: Subscriptions drawn using incorrect shell font size
* Fixed: Manual prefetch incorrectly says there are no items to prefetch
* Fixed: Vista's automatic horizontal scroll in the subscription tree scrolls too far
* Fixed: In rare cases, read items in synched feeds come back as unread if NewsGator detects them as being modified
* Fixed: Flickering in the subscription tree
* Fixed: Feed properties doesn't save changes to the feed's prefetch options
* Fixed: Custom newspaper style not reset when viewing filter
* Fixed: Ctrl+Arrow allowed as keyboard shortcut even though already handled by newspaper
* Fixed: Inaccurate progress bar during prefetch
* Fixed: Synched feeds in the root folder fail to convert to Google Reader (beta 4a)
* Fixed: Flags added when synched with NewsGator are lost after converting to Google Reader (beta 4a)
* Fixed: Shared items not set as default after converting to Google Reader (beta 4a)
* Fixed: Wrong context menu appears for Google Reader shared items (beta 4a)

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Старый 06.08.2009, 20:21   #12
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: М
Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
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Changes in FeedDemon 3.0 RC4 (

* Removed: NewsGator synchronization is no longer available (here's why)
* Added: At startup, FeedDemon now provides the ability to convert your NewsGator subscriptions to Google Reader
* Added: "Create Google Account" hyperlink added to Google Account dialog
* Added: "Execute Feed Database SQL" added to Debug menu (useful for support reasons - I don't recommend using this yourself)
* Added: "Export Clippings" added to clippings context menu (exports clippings as RSS)
* Added: Twitpic URLs in Twitter feeds now show an image icon
* Changed: Converting your NewsGator subscriptions to Google Reader subscriptions has been rewritten
* Changed: "Resynchronize" has been completely rewritten to address a number of problems customers have been reporting (it's also much faster now)
* Changed: Google Reader only considers the 10 most recent items from the past 30 days to be unread when subscribing to a feed. This is now reflected in FeedDemon after an existing feed is synched with Google Reader.
* Changed: Clippings are now deprecated. Existing clippings folders are still supported, but clippings won't be available to new users. The main reason for this change is that the new tagging features provide similar functionality.
* Fixed: "Source" column lost after re-running watch
* Fixed: <small> tags in description result in unreadable text
* Fixed: Conversion to Google Reader fails to check whether FeedDemon is working offline
* Fixed: "Update Shared Items" and "Update Synchronized Tags" don't first sync recent changes with Google Reader
* Fixed: Authenticated feeds in NewsGator aren't moved to a non-synched folder when converting (must happen since Google Reader doesn't support authenticated feeds)
* Fixed: FeedDemon's help doesn't reflect changes in the new version

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Старый 12.08.2009, 18:20   #13
Аватар для NerV
Регистрация: 01.06.2008
Адрес: Сормово
Пол: М
Провайдер: Сэнди
Сообщений: 995
Поблагодарил: 29
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Feed Demon RC4

* Removed: NewsGator synchronization is no longer available (here's why)
* Added: At startup, FeedDemon now provides the ability to convert your NewsGator subscriptions to Google Reader
* Added: "Create Google Account" hyperlink added to Google Account dialog
* Added: "Execute Feed Database SQL" added to Debug menu (useful for support reasons - I don't recommend using this yourself)
* Added: "Export Clippings" added to clippings context menu (exports clippings as RSS)
* Added: Twitpic URLs in Twitter feeds now show an image icon
* Changed: Converting your NewsGator subscriptions to Google Reader subscriptions has been rewritten
* Changed: "Resynchronize" has been completely rewritten to address a number of problems customers have been reporting (it's also much faster now)
* Changed: Google Reader only considers the 10 most recent items from the past 30 days to be unread when subscribing to a feed. This is now reflected in FeedDemon after an existing feed is synched with Google Reader.
* Changed: Clippings are now deprecated. Existing clippings folders are still supported, but clippings won't be available to new users. The main reason for this change is that the new tagging features provide similar functionality.
* Fixed: "Source" column lost after re-running watch
* Fixed: <small> tags in description result in unreadable text
* Fixed: Conversion to Google Reader fails to check whether FeedDemon is working offline
* Fixed: "Update Shared Items" and "Update Synchronized Tags" don't first sync recent changes with Google Reader
* Fixed: Authenticated feeds in NewsGator aren't moved to a non-synched folder when converting (must happen since Google Reader doesn't support authenticated feeds)
* Fixed: FeedDemon's help doesn't reflect changes in the new version

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно зарегистрироваться]
уже не тот самый NerV;
NerV вне форума  
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Старый 25.01.2010, 10:47   #14
Аватар для indeec
Регистрация: 05.08.2007
Адрес: НН
Пол: M
Провайдер: ВолгаТелеком
Сообщений: 4,498
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FeedDemon + Rus

What's New in This Release:
Added: "Shared by people I follow" displays articles shared by the people you follow in Google Reader
Added: Content filters (Tools > Manage Content Filters) can be applied to individual feeds to automatically mark incoming items as read
Added: New "Translate item" newspaper icon translates the item into your language. Items in synched feeds are translated inline, whereas items in non-synched feeds browse to Google Translate for the translation
Added: Further synchronization optimizations, including significantly faster synching of shared items
Added: Feed preview now uses a fixed header and enables toggling between full posts, summaries and headlines
Added: "Choose newspaper icons" added to newspaper - enables quickly choosing which icons to show under each item
Added: "Like" icon added to newspaper for synched feeds (what is this?). Note that this doesn't appear by default - you must enable it using the new "choose newspaper icons" gear icon.
Added: "Remember my login" added to synchronization options (disable to require FeedDemon to ask for your login every time it starts)
Added: Short url preview now supports goo.gl, youtu.be, fb.me, flic.kr, ow.ly and clicky.me
Added: Print and print preview from the embedded browser now handle the active newspaper by expanding collapsed descriptions, hiding FeedDemon icons, etc.
Added: "Send To" menu now includes Twitter
Added: HTTP error report now enables re-checking a feed's status
Changed: Search results now always use the default "Surfer" newspaper style
Changed: Options-related items moved to submenu of Tools menu, import/export-related items moved to submenu of File menu
Changed: When the newspaper is grouped by title, items are now sorted by date rather than by title (so newer items come first)
Fixed: Unresponsiveness while updating feeds due to auto-purging of older items
Fixed: Focused post not highlighted in newspaper when using silver theme
Fixed: Incorrect sizing of embedded browser after display resolution or multi-monitor settings changed
Fixed: Enclosure URL doesn't appear in status bar when mousing over enclosure icon
Fixed: Application fails to correctly minimize to the tray after clicking a mouse button that has been assigned to the "minimize" action
Fixed: Incorrect startup screen position on single-monitor system when taskbar docked to left
Fixed: Items in disabled feeds still get added during resync
Fixed: Unsharing a single item (ie: deleting it from your shared items) fails to sync
Fixed: Duplicate YouTube videos may appear in "Popular in My Subscriptions" if they use different formats
Fixed: Feeds with invalid/expired certificates silently fail to update
Fixed: Tags assigned to posts in un-synched feeds may be lost after converting the feeds to sync
Fixed: Twitter avatars display even when "optimize for low bandwidth" is enabled
Fixed: Cleanup wizard enables choosing to cleanup watches even when none exist
Fixed: Printing a FeedDemon newspaper crops the last line of text from each page
Fixed: Timeout errors with non-synched feeds that use temporary redirects to a different host name
Fixed: Connection reset errors with non-secure feeds that redirect to secure URL
Fixed: Reading all unread items in a feed doesn't remove it from the desktop alert when the desktop alert is "pinned" (so that it's always showing)
Fixed: Summaries shown in newspaper may be very short for articles with several long hyperlinks in the first few sentences

| share.nnov | feeddemon.com (без русификатора) | 3,6 мб |
Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
indeec вне форума  
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Старый 04.02.2010, 21:53   #15
Аватар для indeec
Регистрация: 05.08.2007
Адрес: НН
Пол: M
Провайдер: ВолгаТелеком
Сообщений: 4,498
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47,026 Всего

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What's New in This Release:
Added: Significant performance improvement when news item list is showing
Changed: When the newspaper is grouped by title, items are now sorted by title rather than by date (reverted to pre-3.1 behavior)
Fixed: "Send To" appears twice in newspaper shortcuts dialog
Fixed: "Translate" icon always translates into English, regardless of language setting in Google Reader

| share.nnov | feeddemon.com | 3,6 мб |
Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
indeec вне форума  
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feed, feeddemon, fixed, icon, item, newspaper, share, title

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