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Старый 27.09.2008, 11:57   #1
Аватар для indeec
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Mp3tag 2.41c Beta

Mp3tag - утилита, при помощи которой вы сможете достаточно легко и быстро отредактировать ID3-тэги и комментарии в MP3- и Ogg файлах. Присутствует возможность импорта/экспорта информации, создании плейлистов, поддержка работы с онлайновой online базой freedb и т.д.

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indeec вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо indeec за это полезное сообщение:
axel75 (30.09.2008)
Старый 26.10.2008, 07:40   #2
Хороший Друг
Аватар для evkon
Регистрация: 11.10.2007
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Версия: 2.42
Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный
Тип распространения: Бесплатно


Изменения (на английском):
[2008-10-14] LNG: Belarusian language file.
[2008-10-14] FIX: calculation of bitrate at APE files ignored APEv2 tag size.
[2008-10-14] FIX: cancel option at Tag Sources was ignored when asking whether existing cover in directory should be overwritten.
[2008-09-26] FIX: undo rename overwrote tag of current visible files in some rare error cases.
[2008-09-17] FIX: runtime error when undoing operations for files where file name contained percent character.
[2008-09-13] CHG: SHOW and SHOWSORTORDER MP4 tags renamed to TVSHOW and TVSHOWSORTORDER.
[2008-09-13] CHG: memory consumption improvements for large music libraries with cover art.
[2008-08-12] NEW: action type 'Split fields by separator'
[2008-08-11] NEW: tag sources dialogs now with Back buttons.
[2008-08-06] FIX: changing cover to 'Back cover' was ignored at MP4s with Nero Digital tags.
[2008-08-02] FIX: binary ID3v2 UFID frames were not read and preserved correctly.
[2008-08-02] FIX: fixed wrong button state at column configuration dialogue.
[2008-07-30] NEW: support for drag'n'drop of cover art from Mp3tag.
[2008-07-26] NEW: support for padding in Ogg Vorbis files to improve tag writing performance.
[2008-07-25] CHG: removing and deleting of files now separated into different menu items.
[2008-07-24] FIX: possible crash caused by ill-formatted action files.
[2008-07-16] CHG: installer information is now stored at HKLM or HKCU in Windows Registry based on user privileges.
[2008-07-06] FIX: minor issues with displaying of error messages.
[2008-07-05] NEW: type and description of cover art can now also be set via the Tag Sources dialog.
[2008-07-02] NEW: support for Ogg Vorbis files with OGA file extension.
[2008-07-02] FIX: drag'n'drop of cover art from Firefox 3 did not work.
[2008-05-30] FIX: installer ignored different user-defined startmenu folder.
[2008-05-30] FIX: 'Edit > Undo' was not activated in all cases.
[2008-05-30] FIX: fixed possible deadlock situation at action 'Remove fields except'.
[2008-05-28] FIX: playcounter of ID3v2 POPM frame was written to the wrong byte.
[2008-05-27] NEW: context menu for cover-related functions now also available at the extended tags dialog.
[2008-05-18] NEW: scripting functions $meta(x), $meta(x,n), and $meta_sep(x,sep).
[2008-05-18] CHG: fields with multiple matching values are now displayed individually at the extended tags dialog also for multiple files.
[2008-05-17] FIX: progress bar showed wrong status in some cases when reading multiple directories from Explorer.
[2008-05-17] FIX: runtime error under Windows Vista at accessing MP3 files that have been moved outside of Mp3tag.
[2008-05-17] FIX: horizontal scrollbar wasn't displayed after changing columns on some systems.
[2008-05-17] NEW: description of cover art can now be changed via the context menu of the cover art display in the main view.
[2008-05-17] NEW: type of cover art can now be changed via the context menu of the cover art display in the main view.
[2008-05-17] NEW: type of cover art is now displayed in the main view.
[2008-05-17] CHG: open and save dialogs are resizeable now.
[2008-05-10] FIX: arrow symbol for helper menu at 'Tag - Filename' was not displayed on some systems.
[2008-05-06] CHG: handling of Ctrl+A in edit fields to select all text.
[2008-05-06] CHG: linebreaks in multi-line edit fields now via Ctrl+Return.
[2008-05-04] NEW: added _FOLDERPATH filtering option.
[2008-05-04] CHG: filtering by _PATH uses the complete file path now.
[2008-05-04] FIX: deleting files with Ctrl+Del sometimes only removed them from the file list.
[2008-05-01] FIX: some actions created empty tag fields if applied to non-existing tag fields with the same name.
[2008-05-01] CHG: linebreaks in ID3v2 comments now CR LF (0x0D 0x0A) instead of 0x0A for compatibility reasons.
[2008-04-22] CHG: Mp3tag now ignores the tag alter preservation flag in ID3v2 frames.

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evkon вне форума  
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Эти 3 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо evkon за это полезное сообщение:
dimone (15.12.2008), indeec (26.10.2008), MoonTemple (28.10.2008)
Старый 01.12.2008, 16:13   #3
Аватар для Sappfire
Регистрация: 30.09.2007
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Mp3tag 2.42b
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Sappfire за это полезное сообщение:
GericH (12.12.2008)
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AlexxL (01.04.2009), Fetus In Fetus (02.03.2009), agent-10 (19.01.2009), juk (18.12.2008), GericH (12.12.2008), Евгений (06.12.2008), Malicious Maniac (05.12.2008), Nakarid (03.12.2008), gilarovsky (01.12.2008)
Старый 29.03.2009, 18:58   #4
Аватар для indeec
Регистрация: 05.08.2007
Адрес: НН
Пол: M
Провайдер: ВолгаТелеком
Сообщений: 4,498
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Mp3tag 2.43 Final

Что нового в версии 2.43 от 28/03/2009:
[2009-03-26] CHG: Ctrl+A in Tag Panel edit fields now selects all text.
[2009-03-26] NEW: added support for ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) information fields (bitrate, codec, ...).
[2009-03-18] LNG: Hebrew language file.
[2009-03-10] FIX: action 'Format value' with $regexp resulted in duplication of existing dollar signs in value.
[2009-03-09] FIX: text in Tag Panel fields was always selected if panel was resized.
[2009-03-08] NEW: added functions SayNextNumber, SayNextWord, SayNewline, SayRegexp und Unspace for Web Sources Framework.
[2009-03-08] CHG: Genre field at 'Options > Tag Panel > Default values' now editable.
[2009-03-03] FIX: aspect ratio was not kept when displaying cover art that exceeded the size of the cover art window.
[2009-02-28] CHG: internal undo buffer gets reset when changing directories now.
[2009-02-28] NEW: keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Tab and Shift+Ctrl+Tab for fast navigation between sub-windows.
[2009-02-26] FIX: overflow at total size in status bar for large archives.
[2009-02-11] CHG: improved performance at creating local freedb indexes.
[2009-02-11] CHG: year field now accepts input longer than 4 characters.
[2009-02-08] NEW: added mappings for WM/AlbumSortOrder, WM/ArtistSortOrder, and WM/TitleSortOrder for WMA tags.
[2009-02-08] NEW: more size-efficient layout of Tag Panel in horizontal mode.
[2009-02-08] NEW: option to hide the directory switcher from the Tag Panel.
[2009-02-03] LNG: Danish language file.
[2009-01-30] FIX: fixed several issues with handling multiple values for WMA tag fields.
[2009-01-13] NEW: notification dialog if files referenced in a playlist cannot be read.
[2008-12-31] NEW: support for %_total_files% in SearchBy part of Web Sources.
[2008-12-30] FIX: minor UI glitch with line cursor at Tag Sources menu.
[2008-12-30] CHG: extended list of default columns for initial installations.
[2008-12-30] CHG: extended fields Album Artist, Composer, and Discnumber are now displayed in Tag Panel (see 'Options > Tag Panel' for configuration).
[2008-12-30] FIX: preview at 'Text file - Tag' ignored blank lines.
[2008-12-30] FIX: TVEPISODE and TVSEASON set by iTunes were not read.
[2008-12-24] FIX: some genres from the extended list of ID3v1 genres were not allowed as standard genres in MP4 tags.
[2008-12-24] LNG: Ukrainian language file.
[2008-12-28] LNG: Vietnamese language file.
[2008-12-12] CHG: consistently removing empty tag fields when saving tags now.
[2008-12-05] FIX: column presets were not included in backup via 'File > Save configuration'.
[2008-12-05] CHG: column presets are now stored in %APPDATA%\Mp3tag\data\columns.
[2008-11-30] FIX: improved error handling for 0 bytes sized files.
[2008-11-24] FIX: improved error handling for broken APIC frames.
[2008-11-22] NEW: option to check for updates on program startup.
[2008-11-22] NEW: function sayuntilml for web sources framework.
[2008-11-16] FIX: runtime error while trying to read empty ID3v2 UFID frames.
[2008-11-09] CHG: updated discogs tag source.
[2008-11-06] FIX: lost keyboard focus after removing last cover via extended tag dialog.

Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
indeec вне форума  
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Эти 4 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо indeec за это полезное сообщение:
Acon (21.08.2009), SergeK (29.03.2009), Tresor (29.03.2009), VladimirRed (03.04.2009)
Хайд открыли:
Acon (21.08.2009), zaq (30.06.2009), Пашка (24.06.2009), ksapo (23.04.2009), realindean (04.04.2009), VladimirRed (03.04.2009), AlexxL (01.04.2009)
Старый 16.08.2009, 13:35   #5
Аватар для indeec
Регистрация: 05.08.2007
Адрес: НН
Пол: M
Провайдер: ВолгаТелеком
Сообщений: 4,498
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Mp3tag 2.44 Final

Что нового в версии 2.44:
[2009-08-14] NEW: added MusicBrainz Web Source.
[2009-08-14] NEW: added Cover-only Amazon Web Sources.
[2009-08-14] NEW: added F2 keyboard shortcut for editing in Tag Sources dialog.
[2009-08-14] FIX: fixed UI glitches when editing long titles at Tag Sources dialog.
[2009-08-14] NEW: Windows 7 now officially supported.
[2009-08-13] CHG: changelog now English-only.
[2009-08-12] FIX: fixed problem with entering certain polish characters where AltGr (right Alt) key was involved.
[2009-08-12] CHG: improvements for keyboard navigation at extended tags dialog.
[2009-08-12] FIX: action Case Conversion on Vorbis Comments field names did not take Date, Year, and Organization into account.
[2009-08-11] CHG: added reporting of ID3v2 parsing errors as !BAD ID3v2 in tag field.
[2009-08-11] FIX: pasting a non-existent directory to the directory switcher resulted in a phantom file.
[2009-08-10] CHG: added Amazon API signing.
[2009-08-10] CHG: added *.jpeg to supported file extensions for displaying cover art from directories.
[2009-08-10] FIX: fixed wrong splitting of artist names containing slash characters for freedb web search.
[2009-07-19] CHG: workaround for Firefox 3.5 dragged images always reported as BMP files.
[2009-07-19] FIX: possible runtime error with Ogg Vorbis cover art.
[2009-07-19] FIX: action 'Export cover to file' stopped working (since v2.43b).
[2009-07-19] FIX: command-line parameter /fp on non-existent directory loads all tracks of upper directory.
[2009-07-11] CHG: updated used TAK SDK to version 1.1.1.
[2009-07-11] FIX: fields greater than 255 characters were not truncated in MP4 tags.
[2009-07-11] NEW: support for cover art for Ogg Vorbis files.
[2009-07-11] FIX: random runtime error when starting Mp3tag with multiple files from the Explorer context menu.
[2009-07-04] CHG: increased number of possible user-defined tools.
[2009-07-04] FIX: pressing 'Cancel' on write-protected files did not cancel to complete tag-writing process but only skipped the protected file.
[2009-07-04] CHG: unlocalised strings now defaulting to English.
[2009-07-04] FIX: minor fixes regarding file path canonicalization and validation.
[2009-06-30] FIX: removing fields by writing empty values was not possible anymore (since 2.43a).
[2009-06-28] NEW: support for Musepack SV8.
[2009-06-26] CHG: updated internal value mapping for MediaMonkey rating field RATING MM to address changes in MM 3.1.
[2009-06-19] FIX: occasional runtime error while parsing ill-formed UFID frames in ID3v2 tags.
[2009-06-07] FIX: scripting functions used at 'Replace with' of action 'Replace with regular expressions' were not evaluated anymore (since v2.43).
[2009-06-06] FIX: action 'Merge duplicate fields' merged all fields instead of only given one.
[2009-06-06] CHG: action 'Merge duplicate fields' now also takes _ALL as field name to merge all fields.
[2009-06-05] FIX: overflow with negative values as second parameter for $num scripting function.
[2009-06-05] FIX: action 'Convert codepage' did not work in some cases.
[2009-05-12] NEW: multiple-valued fields can now also be created via 'Format value' actions (values separated by \\).
[2009-05-11] NEW: field %_cover_type% containing cover type of first embedded cover art.
[2009-05-11] FIX: adding cover art via drag and drop was not possible anymore after modifying tag panel fields via 'Options > Tag Panel'.
[2009-05-11] NEW: multiple-valued fields can now also be created via direct editing in the file view (values separated by \\).
[2009-05-10] FIX: updated discogs.com web source.
[2009-05-09] CHG: preventing accidentally hiding of columns in the file view.
[2009-04-30] FIX: internal changes to prevent runtime errors on invalid file paths.
[2009-04-10] NEW: option 'Correct aspect ratio' at right-click menu of cover art window.
[2009-04-08] FIX: previous installation directory was not remembered by the installation program.

| share.nnov | 2,0 мб |
Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
indeec вне форума  
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Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо indeec за это полезное сообщение:
Acon (21.08.2009)
Хайд открыли:
gilarovsky (03.11.2009), Alexxden (13.09.2009), volna9000 (10.09.2009), CastIron (26.08.2009), Acon (21.08.2009), zvezda7 (16.08.2009), SOVa (16.08.2009)
Старый 22.11.2009, 10:33   #6
Аватар для indeec
Регистрация: 05.08.2007
Адрес: НН
Пол: M
Провайдер: ВолгаТелеком
Сообщений: 4,498
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По умолчанию

Mp3tag 2.45 Final

что нового:
[2009-11-18] FIX: internal selection state was not reset when loading files via drag and drop (since v2.44a).
[2009-11-15] LNG: Swedish translation reworked by Matthias Stasiak.
[2009-11-08] CHG: removed built-in field mapping from WRITER to COMPOSER at MP4.
[2009-11-07] NEW: hex-encoded HTML entities are now also translated in Tag Sources.
[2009-11-07] FIX: moving files from one directory to another via drag'n'drop resulted in unresponsive program (since v2.44a).
[2009-11-05] FIX: query strings containing equal or ampersand signs did not work with Amazon Tag Source.
[2009-11-05] FIX: undo remove or write tag operations sometimes refreshed wrong files in file view (since v2.44a).
[2009-11-01] FIX: sorting filtered results displayed files that were not matched by the filter expression.
[2009-11-01] CHG: trailing pipe symbol in fields filled by Tag Sources are now removed.
[2009-10-31] NEW: installer and program now digitally signed.
[2009-10-29] FIX: numerical ID3v2 frames TLEN, TBPM and TDAT were always written in Unicode instead of ISO-8859-1.
[2009-10-27] CHG: changed %_total% to be empty if there is no total number of tracks stored in the track field.
[2009-10-24] NEW: added support for multiline fields (for e.g., Lyrics) in Tag Panel.
[2009-10-23] FIX: lines in M3U playlists consisting of blanks only resulted in the M3U's directory being loaded.
[2009-10-23] CHG: multiple values of fields in Tag Panel are now also listed in drop-down fields
[2009-10-23] FIX: applying actions on _FILENAME did not always remove invalid characters.
[2009-10-23] FIX: tag panel was not updated after removing files from file list (since v2.44a)
[2009-10-18] FIX: dropping directories from optical drives was always interpreted as add directory regardless of Ctrl-key state.
[2009-10-18] FIX: action Case Conversion (Sentence) and $caps3 gave different results.
[2009-10-17] FIX: importing covers via Web Sources occasionally resulted in erroneous mimetype containing charset descriptions.
[2009-10-17] NEW: added MATCHES keyword to filter using regular expressions.
[2009-10-17] FIX: dropping cover art to extended tag dialog stopped working (since v2.44).
[2009-10-12] CHG: empty fields from web source are no longer listed in tag sources dialog.
[2009-10-12] FIX: query strings containing question marks did not work with Amazon Tag Source.
[2009-10-01] FIX: drag'n'drop of non-audio files resulted in blank line in file view (since v2.44a).
[2009-10-01] FIX: selection was not preserved when sorting in file view (since v2.44a).
[2009-09-26] FIX: spaces in quoted filter strings were ignored.
[2009-09-26] FIX: occasional runtime error on Export (since v2.44a).
[2009-09-26] FIX: selection state did not update after filtering (since v2.44a).
[2009-09-26] FIX: selecting multiple files via Shift+Arrow keys did not set to fields with different content in Tag Panel (since v2.44a).
[2009-09-25] FIX: saving tags when using arrow keys/single mouse click did not work anymore (since v2.44a).
[2009-09-25] FIX: selecting multiple files did not set to fields with different content in Tag Panel (since v2.44a).
[2009-09-25] FIX: fixed $loop(%field%) still limited after $loop(%field%,n) at export.
[2009-09-23] NEW: support for user-defined field name mappings.
[2009-09-23] CHG: updated MusicBrainz web source.
[2009-09-18] FIX: occasional runtime error when writing tags to malformed FLAC files.
[2009-09-18] CHG: improved status reporting when files are added via drag and drop.
[2009-09-18] NEW: added *.flc (used for FLAC in some programs) to list of supported file
[2009-09-16] CHG: converter 'Text file - Tag' now runs in separate thread with progress dialog.
[2009-09-13] FIX: fixed resizing issue at convert dialogs.
[2009-09-08] CHG: addressed performance issues when reading OGG files with large metadata values.
[2009-09-07] NEW: filter now supports filter expressions.
[2009-09-07] CHG: filtering is now done in separate thread.
[2009-09-03] FIX: occasional runtime error when removing tags from Ogg Vorbis files.
[2009-09-02] NEW: added support for preserving mp3HD correction data.
[2009-09-01] FIX: fixed lost focus after editing via the extended tags dialog.
[2009-08-31] FIX: occasional runtime error when canceling writing operations.
[2009-08-21] CHG: filter now enabled by default.
[2009-08-21] CHG: changed appearance of lists to themed style under Vista and above.
[2009-08-15] CHG: removed German help files.
[2009-08-15] CHG: removed Quick Launch Shortcut installer option for Windows 7 and above.

| share.nnov | 2,0 мб |
Чтобы увидеть скрытый текст Вам нужно нажать кнопочку "Открыть Hide"
У вас нет прав чтобы видеть скрытый текст, содержащийся здесь.
indeec вне форума  
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Saphier (23.01.2010), q1q1 (29.11.2009)

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